Dec 4, 2011 by Tatianna

Today’s workout was a follow up to “ Go Beyond Workout “. In this routine I focused on the upper body as well as some cardio interval training at the end. It is very important to push your self above your own bar, otherwise you will never get the results you desire. In order to get the body and mind of your dreams we have to go outside of our comfort zone. If a certain exercises looks really hard and you want to do something easier instead because you don’t think it’s ” your thing “, then you don’t really want the change.
I saw something on Oprah’s Life Class show the other day, she said these words that just touched me in a way no other words ever did, she said ” To have the things you never had before, you have to do what you’ve never done before “. I will let you download that for a second

I can definitely tell you that I love my new approach of splitting upper and lower body routines. First of all you get a much better burn and work more muscles, second you let your muscles rest, because if you don’t let them rest they cannot build and after a while you will hit plateau and stop seeing results ( it is the only way if you want to develop great muscle tone all over, to let your body rest, because the body builds at rest, NOT at work ), third of all these splits have really been helping me to not get overtrained and finally, I can push much harder during my workouts. I’ve noticed the change in my body with this approach already!
Now let’s workout!
Push-Pull Workout Video
Workout Recap & Beginner Variation
Workout Explanation
This routine is broken down into 2 parts, the first part is a time challenge circuit training and the second part is 10 minutes of interval training cardio. In this workout I was using my timer gymboss max, my 12 lbs medicine ball ( you can just use a basketball ), a mat and My Pink Lebert

Part one
Set your timer as a stop watch and complete the following exercises in this order for the total of 3 rounds.
- Skier Burpee – 12 reps ( Watch the workout recap video for proper explanation, otherwise you are not going to do this right )
- Vertical Row – 12 reps
- Pike Up & Roll Over 10 reps ( each pike up and roll over counts as one rep )
- Reptile Bomber – 10 reps ( watch the workout recap for proper form )
- Vertical Row – 12 reps
- Pike Up & Roll Over 10 reps
- Medicine Ball Push-Ups – 10 reps
- Vertical Row – 12 reps
- Pike Up & Roll Over – 10 reps
This was one round, complete 3 and I totally dare you to do 4

Part 2
Set your timer for 2 intervals of 10 seconds ( rest interval ) and 25 seconds of maximum effort, for the total of 16 rounds. You will do 2 exercises for the total of 8 rounds each.
- Jump Over
- Power Jump Rope Jacks ( watch workout recap for proper exercise explanation, because this is not a regular jump rope jacks )
My Scores
It took me 23 minutes and 34 seconds to complete the first part of this routine. I did not count the reps for the second part because it is done for cardio purposes. You can count them if you like

What was your time for this workout?