Today, on this gorgeous London summer’s day, I couldn’t be more excited; FitnessOnToast has been nominated for ‘Best Lifestyle Blog’ on the shortlist of the prestigious 2014 Cosmopolitan Blog Awards.
Before I even considered starting my own blog, the Cosmo awards were my trusted window into the choicest picks of the blogosphere, with a good friend of mine winning 2012 Best New Beauty Blog with 10 Blank Canvases! It would be an absolute honor and a dream to win, but even being nominated is so wonderfully flattering :)
This is where I could use your help, and it only takes 5 mins! If my posts bring just a little more enthusiasm to your workouts, some snazz to your gym wardrobe, or even just a healthier recipe to your plate, please vote for me HERE. The ‘Lifestyle Blog’ category in which I’m nominated is step 6 of 15, and you do have to vote all the way through to the 15th step to click the required ‘SUBMIT’ button – but don’t worry, it’s quick and you get to browse a treasure chest of fabulous blogs for your ‘favourites’ folder :D
I’d really appreciate your support, and every vote really does count :) Thank you so much! Faya xx