… is some time in mid-February admittedly, but I’ve decided to whip up a batch, nonetheless! My sweet tooth and daydreams of Swedish summers in the archipelago eating home-made pancakes with jam have me yearning for simpler times and simpler carbs. Nowadays however, I consider it slightly taboo to consume an ‘Everest’ of whipped cream and chocolate atop my pancakes; indeed even the starchy pancake mix itself could be improved upon! So here’s my healthy pancake alternative which mixes sweet and savoury flavours into a filling treat which is totally natural. I’ve also included the recipe to one of my favorite home made jams which is fabulously healthy and easy to make! Click MORE to get it all…
Well the pancakes (including the delectable toppings) consist of only six constituent components – potatoes, carrots, eggs, cottage cheese and jam. In this variant on a ‘Shrove Tuesday’ classic, all of these ingredients are totally natural
A very good source of energy (via complex carbohydrates), especially the white sweet potato variety I’ve used (generally considered sweeter and softer than the orange version). Sweet potato has a glycemic load of 9, which is super-low for a food who’s calories come 93% from carbs– that’s a very low GI, for slow-release energy throughout the day. They’re also a strong source of beta-carotene (which converts into vitamin A for healthy skin, an immune boost and strong vision), are high in dietary fibre (for effective digestion and absorption, along with heart & blood benefits from the vitamin B6 content), very low in sodium, with practically no fat content (& 0g saturates), contains peonidins and cyanidins (antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties to maintain the body), high in potassium to lower blood pressure by banishing excess sodium, and regulating the body’s fluid balance.
The carrots contribute an additional sweetness and flavor to the pancakes. They’re also rich in dietary fiber to promote better digestion, vitamin A for healthy vision, and are proven to reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease.
Their main purpose is to help bind the potato and carrots. Nevertheless, they contribute a good amount of protein (13g protein per 100g), and are very low in carbohydrates (1g per 100g).
4) JAM
‘Bah! Jam, healthy?!’ you ask with incredulity… Well, yes in my opinion. My home-made jam is made up of nothing other than fresh berries packed with minerals and vitamins, a table-spoon of UMF 10+ Manuka Honey and spring-water-soaked chia seeds which are little omega-giants with extraordinary powers. Read more about them in my previous dessert post here!
200 grams of sweet potato
200 grams of carrots
2 eggs
0.5 tsp pink salt
Black pepper
Coconut butter for frying
Low fat cottage cheese
Home-made jam
How to?
1. Peel and grate the potatoes and carrots. Whisk the eggs in a bowl. Add a pinch of pink salt and black pepper. Finally add the grated carrots and potatoes.
2. Heat the tiniest amount of coconut butter in frying pan . Add small fist-sized pancakes (I personally prefer mine thinner and crispier) and gently flatten gently them with a spatula. Fry them on a medium heat, allowing a few minutes on each side.
3. Serve with some low fat cottage cheese and top with home made jam. Bon ap!
Healthy home-made jam
c. 13 tbsp of water
3 tbsp chia seeds
1 tbsp of UMF 10+ Manuka honey
1 tsp of vanilla extract
A generous handful of berries-of-your-choice. I used a mix of raspberries, blueberries and blackcurrants. I would highly recommend cherries as well!!
How to:
1. Pour water into a bowl and add the chia seeds. Stir, and keep stirring every 10 minutes or so for 20 – 30 minutes.
3. Let the chia seeds absorb the water and expand for at least an hour or, better still, overnight in the fridge.
4. Mush the berries up with a fork or using your clean hands and pop some berries into the mix of your choice on top and Voila!