Fitness Magazine

P90X2 Worksheet Download!

By Nuwave


P90X2 Worksheet

P90X2 Worksheet

If you’ve been following  your P90X2 program & pushing play everyday. Pretty soon your going to run out of the p90x2 worksheets to track your progress. I’ve found a nice download link for you that will give you the pdf file of the p90x2 worksheet so you can simply print them out and have an continuous supply of p90x2 worksheets. Incase you plan on repeating a round of P90X2 or starting new. You’ll be able to have these important p90x2 worksheets ready & hand for you at a moments notice!

P90X2 Worksheet

The cool thing about these worksheets is that it has every workout you do. It lists the equipment needed for that workout too so you dont have to wait until the video shows you what you need. It also tells you when to take your post workout drink! Which is a nice useful bit of information

I love doing P90X2 but eventually you’ll run out of writing space on your current p90x2 worksheet that came when you bought the program. So make sure to have a back up copy by downloading the P90X2 Worksheet below and printing out extras to be ready when you need it!

P90X2 Worksheet
Right Click the link and click ‘save link as’

Download Link

Click here

  • Remember that P90X2 is an intense training program and needs intense nutrition! Check out Shakeology & learn how its the healthiest meal of the day! With over 70 whole ingredients & your full serving of vegetables in a glass!

Last but not least!

With your P90X2 Worksheet now,

You’ll be needing P90X, Insanity or another type of beachbody program to keep you in check & make sure your getting those workouts in! Click the link below for which your interested!

  • P90X2(Sequel to P90X Xtreme Training)
  • P90X (Xtreme Home Workout Program!)
  • Insanity( 60 Day Intense Cardio & Conditioning)

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