To help us make the most of the season ahead, Outside magazine – working in conjunction with Columbia Sportswear – has published a guide for things to do and places to go during the colder months ahead. The story is called 100 Days of Winter, which is ironic since winter isn't even 100 days long, and is filled with suggestions on how you can embrace the cold and the snow to have the best winter ever.
Some of the suggestions that make the list include going camping in the snow, riding your bike in poor conditions on purpose, and take a polar plunge in a cold lake or river. Outside breaks down each of the activities by providing suggested dates to undertake them, and offers options based on locations across the U.S. too. Each entry on the list can also be conveniently shared to social media or email, and has an option to add the event to your calendar too. Reader's can even build their own personal lists of the things they want to do most, with festivals, outdoor events, winter races, and more to choose from.
Too often I hear people say that it is too cold to be outside or they don't enjoy their favorite activities during the winter. As I've said many times on this blog, having the right gear can make a world of difference. If you invest in a proper layering system, grab a good pair of winter boots, and embrace everything the season has to offer, I think you'll find it is just as rewarding – if not more so – to be outdoors in the winter. The solitude alone is usually worth the effort.
Check out Outside's entire list of winter activities here.