Welcome to another great Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up where Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama and I bring you workout ideas, motivation, inspiration and recipes to try. Join us each week by reading along, linking up and grab the button to proudly display on your blog/in your posts!

It's been a while since I shared my monthly goals. To be honest, I've been struggling to get into a routine all year. A huge part of that is all the changes Will and I have been through this year. We got a dog, we've been wedding planning, I switched from working fulltime to starting a career as a freelancer, and most recently, we bought a house (yep, dropping that bomb on you!). With so many life things to focus on, I've been falling behind on my monthly goals, but with another crazy month ahead, I figure now is as good a time as any to get back to it. So, let's dive in!

Morning Workouts - This has been a goal of mine all year. I used to be so good about working out in the morning, but since moving to Austin, my workout times have been sporadic. I enjoy working out in the morning because 1) it gives me energy for the day and 2) I don't have to worry about getting it in later. This month, I'm on a mission to finally get back to being an early bird!
10,00 Steps a Day - Getting in 10,000 steps a day was pretty easy when I lived in NYC, but it's proven a lot more difficult here. I stopped caring for a while, but recently I realized just how little I was walking. So I pulled my fitbit out of retirement and am back to tracking those steps.
Stick To Training Plan - I've been pretty lax with my fitness overall. Sometimes I stick to my training plan and sometimes I don't. This is a month of sticking to it!
Healthier Weekends - I've always been pretty good about eating well during the week. I tend to cut myself some slack on the weekends, but lately I've been cutting myself a little too
Stay Stress Free - Will and I have a big month moving to our new house! We have a lot to do to get the house ready (aka moving our apartment of stuff over, buying things like appliances (#adulting) and getting new furniture). I've already started feeling a little overwhelmed with it all, but I hope I can keep my stress in check to make this move fun.
What are you working towards? Share it in today's Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up!
Let's Chat:
What are your October goals?