Diet & Weight Magazine

October 2017 Goals

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus
The best way to stick to your goals is to share them with the world, so here are my October 2017 Goals. October 2017 Goals

Welcome to another great Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up where Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama and I bring you workout ideas, motivation, inspiration and recipes to try. Join us each week by reading along, linking up and grab the button to proudly display on your blog/in your posts!

October 2017 Goals

It's been a while since I shared my monthly goals. To be honest, I've been struggling to get into a routine all year. A huge part of that is all the changes Will and I have been through this year. We got a dog, we've been wedding planning, I switched from working fulltime to starting a career as a freelancer, and most recently, we bought a house (yep, dropping that bomb on you!). With so many life things to focus on, I've been falling behind on my monthly goals, but with another crazy month ahead, I figure now is as good a time as any to get back to it. So, let's dive in!

October 2017 Goals


Morning Workouts - This has been a goal of mine all year. I used to be so good about working out in the morning, but since moving to Austin, my workout times have been sporadic. I enjoy working out in the morning because 1) it gives me energy for the day and 2) I don't have to worry about getting it in later. This month, I'm on a mission to finally get back to being an early bird!

10,00 Steps a Day - Getting in 10,000 steps a day was pretty easy when I lived in NYC, but it's proven a lot more difficult here. I stopped caring for a while, but recently I realized just how little I was walking. So I pulled my fitbit out of retirement and am back to tracking those steps.

Stick To Training Plan - I've been pretty lax with my fitness overall. Sometimes I stick to my training plan and sometimes I don't. This is a month of sticking to it!


Healthier Weekends - I've always been pretty good about eating well during the week. I tend to cut myself some slack on the weekends, but lately I've been cutting myself a little too

Stay Stress Free - Will and I have a big month moving to our new house! We have a lot to do to get the house ready (aka moving our apartment of stuff over, buying things like appliances (#adulting) and getting new furniture). I've already started feeling a little overwhelmed with it all, but I hope I can keep my stress in check to make this move fun.

What are you working towards? Share it in today's Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up!

Let's Chat:
What are your October goals?

October 2017 Goals

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