Welcome to another great Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up where Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama, Jen from Pretty Little Grub, and I bring you workout ideas, motivation, inspiration and recipes to try. Join us each week by reading along, linking up and grab the button to proudly display on your blog/in your posts!

There are days when I try a new recipe and it just falls flat. Or falls apart. Or is totally un-edible. On those days, I feel like a total food blogger fraud.
Then there are days when my ideas just come together so perfectly, and I seem to strike recipe gold. This recipe was created on one of those days.
I didn't have a recipe plan written out, but I knew I wanted to create a bite-sized cake to celebrate Recipe Redux's 6 th Birthday (HAPPY BIRTHDAY, RECIPE REDUX!). I just kind of threw things together and hoped for the best. Well, friends, the foodie gods must have been looking down on me because these Cake Pops were born, and they're delicious!

These vanilla cake pops are a spin off some of my favorite energy bites, but they have a doughier texture. You simply throw the ingredients in a food processor and let the dough form. Then you roll the dough into little balls. It's that easy.
There isn't any flour, eggs, butter or typical cake-ingredients in these cake pops, but trust me when I say you won't miss any of those things. What do these bites have? Healthy fats and nutrients from nuts and seeds and tons of protein from one of my favorite protein powders. You won't find that in a normal cake pop, no sir!
You also won't miss the actual baking phase. That's right: no oven necessary!

After refrigerating your bites for at least an hour (or overnight). You can pop in some sticks and frost those suckers. I used my favorite allergy-friendly frosting, Dollop Gourmet Madagascar Vanilla (check out some of my other Dollop recipes here, here and here), but you can use any flavor you like - or multiple flavors! I was in the mood for vanilla cake with vanilla frosting, though.
You have to be gentle when frosting them so that they don't fall off the stick, but Dollop tends to spread on easily. Add the finishing touches with some sprinkles, and you're ready to celebrate!

No Bake Gluten Free Cake Pops {vegan option}

Fitful Focus https://fitfulfocus.com/
Be sure to check out all the other small & healthy desserts my fellow Recipe Reduxers are creating to celebrate Recipe Redux turning six!

And of course, join me, Annmarie and Jen for the Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up ( full rules here). Link up, workout, then come back and enjoy one of these tasty treats!
Let's Chat:
What's your favorite bite-sized dessert?