Outdoors Magazine

Negative Highs + Pawz Boots

By Hikingwithheather @HikingHeather
Negative Highs + Pawz Boots
The forecast is calling for some of the coldest temperatures Wisconsin has seen in years. Schools statewide have been canceled for Monday and people are being urged to stay indoors and limit the amount of time pets spend outside. This can prove very problematic for getting their "potty business" done!
Negative Highs + Pawz Boots
A couple of months ago, I was the lucky winner of a pair of Pawz Boots from the GoPetFriendly.com website. I put them in Charlie's hiking first aid kit to use in case she hurt her foot on a hike, but since the weather is turning so cold, I decided to give them a try on our neighborhood walk tonight.
Pawz Boots are like a thick rubber balloon that fits snugly around your dog's ankle while giving their foot enough wiggle room inside. They are disposable but reusable so you can get quite a few wearings out of a pair. According to their website, they are made of natural rubber and are 100% biodegradable. Packages contain 12 boots, or 3 sets.
Negative Highs + Pawz Boots
Charlie's feet are about 2" wide so we used the "blue" boots which are size Medium. The sizes are all color-coordinated to make it easier for selecting your size. You want to make sure your dog has enough room to spread their toes inside the boots while walking.
Some dogs are better than others when it comes to putting boots on. Charlie is typically NOT a patient dog when it comes to wearing any type of gear, including her harnesses. So I was surprised how easy they were to get on her!
If you're using these to go on a walk, I suggest getting yourself ready to go before putting the boots on. That way your dog isn't doing a silly 3-legged dance while you're putting your coat and mittens on. The sooner you get them outside and walking, the sooner they forget they're wearing them!
These boots are also ideal for the little dogs who don't like to go outside in cold or rainy weather to do their potty business. While these boots aren't going to protect their feet from the cold for very long, they will help keep ice, snow and salt from getting on the paws and will probably make it a little more comfortable for your little fur-kids to go outside for a quick potty break.
I could see how these would also be useful for extended walks or even trail hiking since it helps prevent "snowballs" from forming between the dog's toes. Again, these aren't going to provide a ton of protection against extreme cold, but I think they would take the edge off enough to make a walk much more comfortable!
I also like the idea of having a pair of these in a hiking first aid kit in case your dog hurts a foot on the trail and you want to keep dirt and debris from getting in the wound.
Negative Highs + Pawz Boots
After our 30 minute neighborhood walk, Charlie's boots still look brand new! She didn't seem to mind them once we got going and even dug around in snowbanks, practically oblivious to the fact that she was wearing boots. A few people pointed and laughed at her, but I think she looks pretty cute wearing them.
All-in-all, I give this product a huge thumbs up and will definitely be buying more! Thanks GoPetFriendly.com for introducing me to this great product!
If you're interested in winning free products, make sure to sign up for the monthly newsletter on GoPetFriendly.com for future giveaways. Good luck!

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