FACT #1: it’s tough to run outside when you can’t feel your hands and feet. Where are my feet landing? IDK!

The temps have been dropping in NYC, which has driven me to do more runs indoors. The treadmill and I have been establishing a relationship. It’s getting pretty serious. However…
FACT #2: it’s easy to get bored on the treadmill.

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No matter how good Game of Thrones is, if I’m just going at one constant speed on the treadmill, my hour-long run will feel like an eternity. It’s not good to be bored of your relationship…
Luckily, we’ve gone to counseling, and we’ve decided to add some spice to the relationship by incorporating some some speed intervals. That way, our time together gets broken down into little manageable chunks. I focus on the next minute vs. the next 60 minutes. Much better.
If you’ve found yourself calling your beloved treadmill the dreadmill or if you just simply can’t bare the monotony, I’m going to let you in on one of the routines that has saved mine and Dear Treadmill’s relationship, the Need for Speed Treadmill Workout. Just don’t tell our therapist – she charges by the hour…

Take the speeds as suggestions. 5mph should be a recovery pace. 6mph should be a comfortable run. 9mph should be your max effort. Go slower or faster according to your fitness level.
I just saved your relationship with the treadmill. No need to thank me now. A simple bottle of champagne at the wedding will be just fine.
Bored of the treadmill? Try this Need For Speed Treadmill #Workout to switch up your routine.
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You can also incorporate some dynamic movement into your warm up. Squats anyone? Just sayin’.
Let’s Chat:
Are you a winter runner?
Treadmill: friend or foe?
What do you do to stay entertained during a treadmill run?
This post is linked up with Wild Workout Wednesdays.