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Natural Home Remedies to Remove Dandruff from Hair

By Rojer @healthxwellness
Natural Home Remedies to Remove Dandruff from Hair

Dandruff the confidence slayer is a common complaint wherein the scalp becomes too dry and flaky. Wash out your dandruff worries now.

Home remedies for dandruff is a natural way to get rid of dandruff, a common scalp disorder. A person looking for dandruff treatment can cure dandruff at home using naturally available remedies. Dandruff is the result of excessive shedding of dead cells in the scalp. Dandruff can be cause of hair loss, acne, pimples and hair premature greying, therefore it should be treated before it gets severe and chronic.

A variety of natural home remedies for dandruff can be easily present in our kitchens for better results. therefore we have brought to you some simple home tips to get rid of dandruff. These natural home remedies will remove your dandruff easily, providing you with a smooth and soft hair. These remedies can be used for men as well as women.

Try some home based remedies if you want to treat dandruff. You might try these home-based remedies to remove dandruff and get healthy and glowing hair naturally.

Vinegar to Get Rid of Dandruff

Vinegar is incredibly effective for the treatment of dandruff as it is rich in potassium and enzymes which supports to cure an itchy scalp and dandruff. There are many ways you can make use of vinegar to prevent dandruff. You are able to massage apple cider vinegar into the dandruff scalp Five to seven minutes. Apple cider vinegar will help you to get rid of the dead skin cells, that are responsible in clogging the hair follicles and result in dandruff flakes.

Baking Soda

The overactive fungi causing dandruff can be controlled with baking soda. To get rid of dandruff, first wet your hair after which rub some baking soda onto your scalp. After some time rinse your hair properly with plain water only and don’t use shampoo. With repeated use of baking soda, your scalp will quickly start producing natural oils. This way your scalp may have no dry flakes. Alternatively you can add some baking soda to your shampoo after which use it to wash your hair.

Aspirin for Dandruff Removal

Dandruff problem make feel down. Keep it under control by crushing two aspirins to some fine powder and adding it towards the normal amount of shampoo you use each time you wash your hair. Leave the mix on your hair for 1-2 minutes, then rinse well and wash again with plain shampoo.

Olive Oil Treatment for Dandruff

You are able to get rid of dandruff with the consistence use of olive oil. Olive oil is natural clarifying and moisturizing agent. It’s one of the most admired home remedies for dandruff. A lukewarm oil treatment of olive oil can assist you to treat your dandruff. Don’t make the olive oil too hot. Use the olive oil to the problem scalp in circular motions before you go to bed. Wash out your hair having a mild shampoo in the morning.

Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is a very strong natural antiseptic and therefore it can be used to treat dandruff. You can add a few drops of tea tree oil to your regular shampoo after which use it to wash your hair. Else you are able to mix one tablespoon of tea tree oil with single serving of warm water and put it inside a spray bottle. After shampooing your hair, spray this solution throughout, massage and after few minutes pat dry your wet hair.

Lemon Juice and Coconut Oil

Blend together 1 tbsp. of lemon juice with 5 tbsp. of coconut oil. Affect the scalp to get rid of dandruff. Lemon juice is really a natural home remedy for dandruff and will clear away flakes from your scalp. There’s a myth that lemon juice can lead to hair graying. This really is not true. Leave this remedy on the scalp for 20 to 30 min and then wash with a shampoo.

Natural Home Remedies to Remove Dandruff

Natural Home Remedies to Remove Dandruff


Aspirin contains acetylsalicylic acid that will help in controlling dandruff. Take two aspirins and crush it properly after which mix it with equal amount of shampoo. Wash your hair with this particular mixture and also massage the scalp by using it. Leave it for a few minutes after which finally rinse your hair properly with plain water. Alternatively, crush three aspirins and dissolve it inside a tablespoon of vinegar and then use it to massage the scalp. Leave it for half an hour and then wash your hair properly.

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