Happy Monday! womp, womp..
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I updated my ‘Workouts‘ page yesterday, so go have a look if you have time!
On to the subject at hand..
Being a mom makes you down right crazy. Some would say I was already a little ‘quirky’ before, but this is on a different level.
You suddenly start worrying about things that would have never crossed your mind before. How safe is my car? Is he ready for daycare? Will he be withdrawn if I don’t put him in daycare? He is the youngest in his class, should I hold him back? So, chicken nuggets are a no- go?
Then you start acting crazy. Your anxiety is through the roof and you start to wonder if you need to be on meds because you are sure you are THE craziest mom.
I watch the news so I know I’m not the worst mom, but sometimes I feel pretty close, but then I remember I love Joseph more than life itself and I would do anything for him. I figure if you feel that way about another human, you can’t be too bad.
Anyways, here are some of my confessions. Maybe they will make you feel better about yourself, or just worse about me..
1. I can’t remember to Brush his teeth- Seriously, the kid is almost two with a mouth full of teeth and I can’t remember to brush them.
2. I blame things on him- It’s not as bad if the baby makes you late or loses your keys, phone or shoes. And neglected hygiene is more forgivable when you have a toddler. In my defense, he’s is a big reason I’m so crazy (See, I even blame my craziness on him..)
3. Having a second child sounds absolutely horrifying- I’m not kidding. I seriously don’t know how I get by with one sometimes, much less two.. I get anxiety just thinking about it.
4. He’s almost two and we aren’t on a schedule- We used to be pretty good about putting him to bed at 8:30, but these days there is absolutely no bedtime. Our mornings are pretty much the same way- some days he wakes up at 6:30, some days it’s 9:00. I can feel the judgment through the computer screen..
5. I don’t flush the toilet if Joseph is asleep- It doesn’t matter if it is in the middle of the night or during the day when he is napping, you better believe the toilet isn’t getting flushed if he is actually asleep. I’m not one to mess with a good thing.
6. I get extremely angry at people without kids who judge parenting skills- I know I before I had a child, but I was an idiot. I get it if it’s an extreme case like the parents on crack, but if a mom is giving her child a cookie so he will be quiet, you need to just let it happen without one word of criticism. Parenting is all about choosing your battles.
Eating food he isn’t supposed to, with no pants on in the grocery store. Mom of the year, I know..
7. I wish people would quit telling me to cut his hair- I don’t know why this bothers me so much, and I know it’s probably true, but I will get it cut when I am ready, capisce?
We are going for the Skyler Zoe Berman look..
So chic..
8. I get mad when Joseph is throwing a tantrum in public and strangers offer their advice or say ‘aww’- I know it’s because they think I am a bad mom for ignoring him, but when I give him attention, he acts worse. I will usually just leave, but if I am halfway through grocery shopping- I’m finishing. There is no way I want round two to happen later on that day.
9. I find it harder to hold my tongue- I mean, sometimes being a mom makes you a raging bitch. If someone is being rude- they cut in line, or act irritated when I’m taking too long trying to find almond milk coffee creamer (this happened- does it even exist?) I will let them know how rude I think they are being. This is crazy because I HATE confrontation.
I don’t even know anymore..
Joseph is only 20 months old so that’s all I got, but I’m sure there will be plenty more to come!
What are your mommy confessions?