Fitness Magazine

Monday Mingle #37

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Apr 1, 2013 by

Meet Me On Monday

Happy Monday my Sweeties!

Welcome to the 37th edition of Monday Mingle, a question answer game we play every Monday for fun and to get to know each other better. Every week I ask 5 questions, we all get to answer them and mingle around.

As I was looking through different quotes today, by a complete accident I bumped into quotes about Imagination, that had been said by the greatest people in History. Few Mingles ago I’ve shared with you one of the quotes Einstein had said about Imagination.

The greatest people in history shared the same belief: Thoughts Create Reality. Imagination is our thoughts and ideas, logic can only go so far, logic has it’s limits, as Einstein and many others have sad: Logic is a loyal servant, but imagination is a sacred gift. Today I wanted to share several quotes about Imagination:

This week’s quotes:

Imagination has brought mankind through the dark ages to its present state of civilization. Imagination led Columbus to discover America. Imagination led Franklin to discover electricity.
~L. Frank Baum

The true sign of intelligence is not knowledge but imagination.
~Albert Einstein

Logic will get you from A to B. Imagination will take you everywhere.
~Albert Einstein

All the breaks you need in life wait within your imagination, Imagination is the workshop of your mind, capable of turning mind energy into accomplishment and wealth.
~Napoleon Hill

Imagination creates reality.
~Richard Wagner

This weeks questions:

  • Name some things that make you feel an extremely positive feeling?
  • Do you have a silly habit?
  • Have you ever enjoyed standing under the rain?
  • What CD is in your car at the moment?
  • If you had to picture the word Happy as an object, what is the first picture that pops into your head?

My Answers:

  • Q – Name some things that make you feel an extremely positive feeling?

Positive Feeling

My Answer:

Connecting with all of my loved ones, appreciation of everyone and everything in my life. Nature. Nature gives me an incredibly positive feeling, sometimes I get overwhelmed with joy of being in the ocean or surrounded by trees. Feeling the breeze on my face, brings a huge feeling of happiness.

  • Q – Do you have a silly habit?

Silly Habit

My Answer:

Yes, of course, I’m creatively messy :) . I like to have my things in a visible place, it’s easier for me to find them, but at the same time it does bug me when things are laying around.

  • Q – Have you ever enjoyed standing under the rain?


My Answer:

Yes, I have a few times actually, it’s quite a breathtaking experience.

  • Q – What CD is in your car at the moment?


My Answer:

I have a CD of one of my most favorite bands Delirium, CD is called Karma, they have another one called Poem that I switch between back and forth. It’s gorgeous Enigma style music with very beautiful lyrics.

  • Q – If you had to picture the word Happy as an object, what is the first picture that pops into your head?


My Answer:

The first picture that comes to my mind as I think of the word “Happy” is a picture of the Sun and a beautiful sunny day, I picture a Big Sun and lot’s of bright light, gorgeous clouds.

Happy Monday and Let’s Mingle!




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