Fitness Magazine

Monday Mingle #36

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Mar 25, 2013 by

Meet Me On Monday

Hello my sweeties,

Happy Monday! Welcome to the 36th Edition of Monday Mingle, a little question-answer game we play every Monday to have fun and get to know each other on many different levels.

This week’s quote: ( I’ve posted this on my Facebook a while ago, but I love this saying so much that I want to share it again, to remind you guys ):

What is the difference between good and evil?

When you walk into a room filled with darkness and light a tiny candle, immediately the darkness will fleet. But you cannot do the opposite. You cannot walk into a room full of light, positivity and kindness and bring in the darkness, because no amount of darkness can outshine a room full of light.

This is why it’s so important to always stay positive. One positive thought, can outshine many negative one’s. Being positive makes you aligned to your higher purpose. If you feel positive and happy, you are exactly where your higher purpose wants you to be. If you feel sad, negative or unhappy it means you are out of tune with your higher state of being and your real wishes. Your deeper self, knows you much better than your physical self. So if you are feeling negative ask your self: Which thought caused me to think that way?  Find that thought and adjust your thinking. Our outside circumstances do not have influence on how we feel on the inside, because you are not in the world, the world is in you.
Focus on the positive feelings, the are the one’s which will take you where you need to go.

This week’s questions:

  • What was the last thing you did before you went to bed yesterday?

  • What do u think about the most throughout the day?

  • What is your favorite flower?

  • What is your favorite beauty product at the moment?

  • How do you express your self creatively?

My Answers:

  • Q – What was the last thing you did before you went to bed yesterday?

Meet Me On Monday

My Answer:

The last thing I do every night before going to bed is stretch :) .  I do that daily for at least 15 minutes.

  • Q – What do u think about the most throughout the day?

Meet Me On Monday

My Answer:

Lately my focus is on staying in the present moment no matter what I do. But if my thoughts do tend to drift it’s usually to come up with workout routines, or write something, since these kind of thoughts serve the higher purpose I let them drift :) .

  • Q – What is your favorite flower?

Meet Me On Monday

My Answer:

Right now my favorite flower is Sunflower, I love it because of it’s color and the feeling I get inside when looking at a sunflower, it’s the feeling of happiness and positivity.

  • Q – What is your favorite beauty product at the moment?

Meet Me On Monday

My Answer:

My favorite beauty product at the moment is a face mask I’ve discovered by accident a few month’s ago, I gave it a try because it was on sale and I fell in love. Ever since it has became my absolute favorite mask of all time, it’s Elizabeth Arden Peel & Reveal. Every time I peel off this mask, my skin looks 10 years younger, it’s not the most natural product, but the results are so amazing that I don’t care so much.

  • Q – How do you express your self creatively?

Meet Me On Monday

My Answer:

My main creativity outputs is writing poetry and creating workout routines, in that exact order.  I can also take pictures, and I would love to know how to paint pictures.

Let’s mingle Loves!



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