Sep 10, 2012 by Tatianna

Hello My Lovies,
Happy Monday!!! Welcome to our 10th Edition of Monday Mingle, a question answer game we play every Monday to get to know each other better. There are always 5 either themed or random questions, and here are today’s questions:
What is your Best Childhood Memory?
What is your favorite perfume?
What is your favorite holiday and why?
Whois your favorite music artist and why?
What are your top 3 favorite exercises?
My Answers:
Q – What is your best childhood memory?

My Answer:
My best childhood memory is when I moved to live with my Grandma on my dad’s side. That was the first time in my childhood when I was allowed to be a child, and I felt completely at peace. That was the best year of my childhood.
Q – What is your favorite perfume?

My Answer:
If you guys have been reading my blog for a while then you already know that I am a perfume and nail polish addict. I am obsessed with smells and lately my taste in perfume had changed a lot. I have several favorites, Narciso Rodriguez ( The one in the Black flacon ), Serge Lutens Chergui, Costume National 21 ( this is a true hidden masterpiece ), Elixir des Marveilles ( it smells like Fairy Tale ), Womanity The Taste Of Fragrance, Michalsky, Magnetism by Escada and Baby Doll. These I would say are my favorites.
Q – What is your favorite holiday and why?

My Answer:
New Year is my favorite holiday. The reason I love it so much is because it always feels like New Beginnings and it’s because it reminds me of Russia, where New Year is the biggest holiday, Moscow looks amazing during this time of the year.
Q – Who is your favorite music artist and why?

My Answer:
There are truly so many and they are all my favorites. I really love a Russian singer Zemfira and the group Nichya. From American singers I really like Delerium, NIN, Damien Rice ( not sure if he is American ), Phaeleh, Tool, The Perfect Circle, Linkin Park, all of those are my top favorites.
Q – What are your top 3 exercises?

My Answer:
The Vertical Leap
Pull-up & Leg Lift Combo
Anything that’s a creative combo and not just one move.
Let’s Mingle!
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