Dec 1, 2011 by Tatianna
Today’s workout is a follow up routine to yesterday’s Tear It Up Workout. In this workout I was focusing on the upper body and abs. This routine got pretty tough at the end, and in my last sequence of exercises I could barely finish it. But this is also a very fun routine because I incorporated some really cool new exercises that I came up with. I always try to get my creativity flowing when I come up with these challenging moves, because I think it makes exercising more fun when we don’t do the same old moves every single time.
This routine is about 25 minutes long and is made of 4 parts, 3 parts are interval training and one part is a time challenge.
Make sure you always do a good warm-up before starting to exercise.
Since I knew this workout is going to be extra tough I brought my favorite water cup with me, it always helps me to keep pushing when I am having a hard time. The cup says ” Mind is everything, what you think you become”. This is my general motto in life, I believe if we look around our life, we are exactly in a place where we thought our self into, no more no less.
Mind Is Everything Workout Video
Workout Recap & Variation For Beginners
Workout Explanation
For this workout I was using my timer gymboss max, 8lbs medicine ball, a pair of 20 lbs dumbbells ( 10 lbs each ), a mat and half of my Pink Lebert .
Part one
Set your timer for 2 intervals of 10 seconds ( rest interval ) and 40 seconds ( maximum effort ) interval, for the total of 6 rounds. You will be doing 1 exercise.
- Turning Bridge Push-up ( make sure you watch the Workout Recap Video for the proper explanation of this exercise including variation for more advanced trainees and also beginners )
Part 2
Your timer stays the same. But this time you will do 2 exercises.
- Abs Combo
- Abs Twists
Part 3
Set your timer as a stopwatch. You will do 3 rounds of the following 2 exercises.
- Balance Push-up Rows – 10 reps each side
- Shoulder Presses – 10 reps
Part 4
Set your timer for 2 intervals of 10 seconds and 40 seconds for the total of 6 rounds. There is no rest in this sequence.
- 40 sec – Pull-up Row
- 10- sec – Hanging Legs Hold
- 40 sec – Chin-up Row
- 10 sec – Hanging Legs Hold
You will keep going in that manner until the end of the intervals.
My Scores
Part one
11, 11, 11, 10, 10, 9
Part 2
12, 12, 11, 12, 12, 10
14, 16, 15, 14, 14, 14
Part 3
I finished the time challenge in 10 min and 47 seconds ( Try to beat me
)Part 4
I’m pretty embarrassed about this part, I was so burned out by the time challenge that I literally baraly hanged on, so I will spare you my scores. But you should push it!
Enjoy and share your scores!