Fitness Magazine

Learning The Pull-Ups

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Jul 12, 2012 by



Hello my Darlings,

This week I wanted to switch things up a bit, cause every week I only post workouts, so I thought it was time to break up the routine and create another improvement program for you. Today it’s pull-ups, I know a lot of you guys have been waiting for this for a while.

Pull-ups can be very intimidating, but in reality they are like fuzzy little kittens once you master them LOL.

I am using a Pull-Up bar that I got on ebay for under 30 dollars. If you don’t want to invest into a pull-up bar just yet, you can use any door at your house, so no excuses


Watch the video and then check out the program



Complete Beginners


Before you begin learning how to do pull-ups you need to have some upper body strength. You should be able to do at least 10 regular push-ups. If you can’t do that yet, I recommend you trying my Push-up program to get stronger first.

Install the Pull-Up bar in your doorway and don’t take it down. For the next 2 weeks all you are going to be doing is hanging on it every time you walk by that doorway.

Begin by hanging for as long as you can hold it, at fist you will only be able to hold it a few seconds, but if you do it every day several times a day, you will work up to 30 – 40 seconds within a week. This will help you to build your grip strength as well as get use to your bodyweight.


Always warm-up your upper body with dynamic stretching.


Beginners Program


You will be using a chair throughout the whole week. I recommend you not doing any upper body workout for this week, because you will need to focus on your pull-ups only. Start out by only using neutral grip ( palms facing your body ), this is the easiest way to do pull-ups.

Your goal is to try to get your chin above the bar, but at this stage if you are not able to do that, it’s ok do your best but DO IT!


Monday – test day

Set your timer to count down 1 minute interval. Using a chair you will do as many assisted pull-ups as you can within that minute, all of your reps should be controlled. This is your base number, write it down because you will need it throughout the week.

Now set your timer as a stopwatch. Hang on the bar, keep your shoulders down. Hang for as long as you can. The amount of seconds you are able to hang on a bar is your Hang Base number.


Today you will do 4 sets of pull-ups ( using a chair ) with 2 minutes break in between. The first set you will do to failure ( as many as you can until you can’t do anymore ). The last 3 sets is going to be your base number ( the number you got on Monday’s test ). Take 2 minutes break in between sets.

After you completed all 4 sets, you are going to proceed with just hanging on a bar. Set your timer for the amount of your Hang Base number. Complete 4 rounds, with 1 min break in between. Try not to swing while you are hanging.



Today I want you to do 5 sets of your base number throughout the day ( not all at once like we did Tuesday ). At the end of each set, I want you to hang on the bar using your Hang Base Number.

Today you will do all the sets at once. You will do 2 sets to failure with 2 minute break in between ( still using a chair ). Then you will do 2 more sets of your base number, but you will add 3 extra reps to your base. Example, if your base is 10, then you will do 13 pull-ups per round. Take 2 minute break between rounds.

After you’ve completed all of your rounds, you will again hang on the bar using your Hang Base Number, but you will add additional 5-7 seconds.

Today you will be very sore, but you are gonna need to push through it, don’t worry it’s normal.



Today you will do all sets at once like we did on Tuesday.  You will do 2 sets to failure with 2 minute break in between rounds.  Then you will do 2 more sets of your base number, but you will add 3 extra reps to your base.  Example, if your base is 10, then you will do 13 pull-ups per round. Take 2 minute break between rounds.

After you’ve completed all of your rounds, you will again hang on the bar using your Hang Base Number, but you will add additional 5-7 seconds.



Today, you will repeat the same thing you did on Wednesday. But adding extra 3-4 reps at the end of each set. So five sets throughout the day total.

Don’t forget do hang on a bar at the end of each set, you will hang 5-7 seconds above your Hang Base Number. If you can hang longer – do it!



Today you will do 4 sets to failure with 2 minutes break in between. After you finish your sets, you will hang on a bar for 10 seconds longer than your Hang Base Number, for the total of 4 rounds.



Complete Rest Day



Take your test again

After this, you will need to take 3 complete days off for your upper body only. Then you can proceed to your normal workout schedule.

At this stage you can also begin to do the hanging move that I showed you in the video, the move that simulates as if you were about to do a pull-up. You can do that whenever you are walking by your pull-up bar. Keep your pull-up bar in the door way and use it when you can.

Repeat this program with different grips. Wide grip is the hardest.

Another thing I want you to start trying is to use a chair to pull-up and then lower down by your self. Give it a try, if you can do at least 5 reps like that, then you are ready to do the intermediate program. You can also begin to try to not use a chair at all, just jump up and slowly lower down.




In this program we are only going to do Negative Pull-ups.  You can try to do regular pull-ups during the week 1-2 reps at a time whenever you have a chance, that is if you can. 

At this level you should already be able to jump up and slowly lower down ( that’s a negative pull-up ). Negative pull-ups really help you to build strength.

I recommend you not doing any upper body workout for this week. You can work on different grip one week at a time. But space it out, do the program with one grip for a week, then take one week off and do your regular training. Then proceed to learning pull-ups with another grip variation.


Monday – test day

Set your timer to count down 1 minute. Do as many negative pull-ups as you can. This is your base.

Take 2 minute break and set your timer for 1 minute again and just hang on a bar for as long as you can.

If you can hang the full 1 minute – bravo!  If you can hang for less amount of time, write down that number. This is going to be your Hang Base Number.



Today you will do 5 sets of pull-ups ( negative ) with 1-2 minutes break in between. The first set you will do to failure. The last 4 sets is going to be your base number ( the number you got on Monday’s test ).

After you completed all 5 sets, you are going to proceed with just hanging on a bar using your Hang Base Number.  Complete 4 rounds, with 1 min break in between.



Today I want you to do 6 sets of your base number throughout the day ( not all at once like we did Tuesday ). At the end of each set, I want you to hang on the bar using your Hang Base Number.

At the end of each set I want you to hang and simulate a pull-up move like I showed you in the video at least 8-10 reps, just hang and rise up just a bit. You can do this move every day, this move really helps you to overcome the ” I can’t do this ” thing.



Today you will do all sets at once, with a break in between of course. You will do 2 sets to failure with 1-2 minute break in between rounds. Then you will do 2 more sets of your base number, but you will add 3-4 extra reps to your base.  ( Example, if your base is 10, then you will do 13 pull-ups per round ).  Remember we are still doing negative pull-ups.

After you’ve completed all of your rounds, you will again hang on the bar using your Hang Base Number, but you will add additional 10 seconds.

You already know the drill, you will be sore as hell but you have to push through it.



Today, you will repeat the same thing you did on Wednesday.  But adding extra 4-5 reps at the end of each set. So five sets throughout the day total.
Don’t forget do hang on a bar at the end of each set, you will hang 10 seconds above your Hang Base Number. If you can hang longer – do it!

At the end of each set again I want you to hang and simulate a pull-up move like I showed you in the video at least 8-10 reps, hang and rise up just a bit as high as you can.



Today you will do 4-5 sets to failure with 2 minutes break in between. After you finish your sets, you will hang on a bar for 10-15 seconds longer than your Hang Base Number, for the total of 4 rounds.

At the end of each set I want you to hang and simulate a pull-up move like I showed you in the video at least 10-12 reps, hang and rise up just a bit as high as you can.



Complete Rest Day



Take your test again using negative pull-ups. Now try to see how many regular pull-ups you can do.

Like I said above, if you have a pull-up bar in your doorway, it’s always good to just keep it there. Everytime you walk by hang on it just a bit, try to do a pull-up or 2, do this all the time and you will be able to increase your pull-up strength more and more every day.


Have Fun!


PS – I got my tights on ebay.

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