Fitness Magazine

Jivana Heyman Interviewed by Shelly Prosko

By Ninazolotow @Yoga4HealthyAge
Have you noticed that even though our blog is based in the San Francisco Bay Area, in California, many of our contributors live in different places throughout the world? So it's really special when we can connect in person, as Jivana did recently with a regular contributor, physical therapist and yoga teacher Shelly Prosko, who lives in Canada. (To see Shelly's articles for our blog, you can search on her name or use the Shelly Prosko label). Shelly was one of the speakers the Accessible Yoga Conference in Toronto a few weeks ago, and she used that opportunity to record one of her WOW Chats with Jivana.

In this short video, Jivana chats with Shelly about a recent study suggesting that yoga and meditation may increase the ego. He talks about the possible shortcomings of how we interpret and practice yoga in the modern world and shares his perspective on yoga as service and non-attachment. He also shares a practical piece of advice.

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