After a pretty rocky start to 2017 (I had just moved to a new city, was trying to find a job, and Will was traveling non-stop), the year turned out to be pretty epic. I started a new job. I started planning a wedding. Will and I bought a house! There's no denying that 2017 was filled with excitement, and while I'm hoping that 2018 won't bring quite as many seriously huge life changes, I am hoping that it will bring just as much, if not more, happiness.
Of course, happiness doesn't just come to us. It has to be achieved and worked for, and that's one of the many reasons I set goals for myself. Having goals keeps me happy and achieving them makes me even happier. While I have overarching goals for the year, I enjoy breaking them into bite-sized chunks. It makes them more attainable. So without further ado, my January 2018 Goals!

1. 10,000 Steps a Day, Six Days a Week - This is a goal of mine every month, and while I do better some months than others, I see no reason to take it off my goal list. It's not hard for me to reach 10,000 steps on days that I run, but on my cross training days, it tends to be a bit difficult. To combat this, I'm going to start walking around the house while I'm on conference calls (when I don't have to be at my computer, that is) and taking Moose on lunch time walks.
2. Build Hip & Glute Strength - Right before the holidays, I started to notice some hip pain. I thought my hips were just a bit tight, but then I started feeling uncomfortable during runs. No bueno. I did some reading in my running injury book and discovered the culprit could be weak hip and glutes. WTF? I do lower body exercises every week. My booty is strong, ya'll! However, I did some tests and realized (to my chagrin) one side of my body is WAY stronger than the other. My plan of action now is to incorporate more unilateral exercises into my routine twice a week to build up strength and avoid further injury.
1. Launch My New Podcast - Did you see this news? We're five days into the month and I already achieved this goal. BAZINGA! Go listen to the first episode STAT! Annmarie and I are planning to release episode two on January 17th, so get excited. Also, we want to know what you think! Send all your comments, questions, concerns and constructive criticisms to [email protected]!
2. Finalize Wedding Details - All the big wedding stuff (venue, band, caterer, photographer, yada yada) was done months ago, but now that our wedding is only four months away (ummmm whatttt?!) it's time to start figuring out all the little details. I want to order our invitations, book transportation from the hotel to the venue, get our rings and figure out some other fun things for our guests. If you planned a wedding and have any advice for tackling all the little things, please share your words of wedding wisdom!
I don't have any nutrition goals this month. Of course, I want to eat healthy and make sure I'm in shape for our wedding in May, but the goals above are taking priority this month.
Do you have new goals or any exciting new news to share? Then join the Fit & Fashionable Friday Link Up!

If you're new around here, you can find the full link up rules here, but here's the gist:
Bloggers - You can add a link to any post of yours that is fitness and/or fashion related. This can be a product review, a workout, a healthy recipe - anything fit and/or fashionable. You must link back to this blog for your link to show up. If you drop your link, I ask that you spread the love to at least 2 other bloggers in the link up. If you have some awesome images, I'll be sure to share them to my Fit & Fashionable Pinterest board!
Non-bloggers - You can get involved my sharing your #fitnfashionable photos (clothing, sweaty selfies, recipes) with the hashtag, or you can simply get introduced to some other awesomely fit & fashionable bloggers by clicking on the thumbnails below.