Fitness Magazine

Is Meditation Even Worth It? Here is Some Real Truths…

By Nuwave

Within the last few years I've gotten into guided daily meditation with the Calm app. I've noticed some changes to the way I see life and how I interact with the world in general. I want to tell you a few things about how meditation could be positive in your life. It's not at all easy committing yourself to being still for 10-15minutes per day. With how life is now we always want to be on the move. Doing something or trying to learn new skills. That's great and all but there comes a point where pausing and actually looking at introspective events makes you appreciate what you do have. Things like gratitude, self esteem, happiness, compassion. A lot of these qualities I believe are fostered when we slow down and breath, taking in the present moment.

Here are some of the benefits I've learned or felt from meditation:

  • Improved clarity in life.
  • Ability to let things flow through you that what otherwise get people upset or extremely emotional.
  • Realize to live in the present moment as often as possible.
  • Our choices in life are just that. A "choice" meaning when we take awareness we realize we can choose to do something or not something. Inaction is also a choice.
  • Learning to connect with the mind and body breath.
  • Being more calm and kind with others.

There is probably way more benefits to list but these are just the tip of what I've personally felt for benefits in meditation.

If I had to think of some negatives or difficult moments with meditation it would be this:

  • It's hard to sit still daily for 15 minutes sometimes.
  • Certain days meditation will feel better or worse. Your mind might keep over thinking and getting off track. You just have to bring it back to the breath.
  • When you stop meditation its easy to let the days skip by and your practice worsens and some of the positive benefits are diminished. Until you can get back on track.

Just a few hardships I can think of when it comes to meditation. Overall there is many more benefits that make meditation almost like exercise for your mind! Think about it, we lift weights and exercise our physical body. We should also exercise our mind/heart in this type of meditation exercise.

I recommend you to check out your favorite guided meditation app or website. Give it a try everyday and see how you feel after just a few weeks. I bet you will become more aware and present in everyday moments!

About Author

Is meditation even worth it? Here is some real truths…
Lloyd L.

Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Lloyd and I live in Hawaii. I started working out in 2010. Read more on how I overcame adversity and transformed my life forever!

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