Welcome to another great Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up where Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama and I bring you workout ideas, motivation, inspiration and recipes to try. Join us each week by reading along, linking up and grab the button to proudly display on your blog/in your posts!

Guys! Today is SO EXCITING! First of all, it's the first post of 2018! Second, I'm kicking things off with a MEGA-EXCITING-I-CAN'T-BELIEVE-THIS-IS-FINALLY-HAPPENING announcement! Annmarie, my amazing Wild Workout Wednesday cohost, and I started a podcast and it launches TODAY!
So, what's the podcast?

It's called " Runners Who Wine ". I know. The name itself is awesome. You already want to listen to it.
Every other week, we'll be posting an episode where we talk about all things running. We'll be tackling all kinds of running topics, from tips for newbies to race day hacks to our favorite running products. And we'll of course be answering questions from our awesome listeners (which will include you, right? RIGHT!).

The best part? We do it all while drinking wine! Is there any better way to do anything? EXACTLY!
The idea for this podcast came when Annmarie and I met up for dinner before the Rock'n'Roll Brooklyn Half Marathon in 2016. We started slowly getting our act together in 2017, coming up with what exactly the podcast would be, teaching ourselves how to record a conversation when I'm in Austin and she's in Syracuse, figuring out how to edit things, and, once we had something ready to go, how the heck we actually make it available to all of you!

It took some trial and error. I believe we recorded the first episode three (or was it four?) times before we figured our ish out and were ready to roll! Today, we're bringing you Episode 1!

Episode 1: The Running Journey is a little intro into the podcast, who we are and how we got started running. It's currently available on iTunes and Soundcloud. Give it a listen on your next run OR you can listen to it right here, right now!
Give it a listen and shout with any running questions and episode suggestions! You can reach us via email at runnerswhowine@gmail.com. And of course, you can chat with us here on the blog or through our social channels. We'd love to know what you think!
Also, join us for the first Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up of the year! If your new to the link up, check out the rules here.
Let's Chat:
What do you think of the podcast?