Fitness Magazine

Inner Beast Bootcamp Real Time Upper Body Workout

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Dec 24, 2015 by

Real Time Workout

Oley Oley my Lovies!

I have a new upper body workout for you guys in Real Time :). I’ve posted it on my YouTube channel a little over a week ago, but still hasn’t gotten around to posting it on the site. So, make sure to subscribe to my channel because I post things there at times that I don’t post here on my site. My life is much busier right now than before so I’m not giving as much time to my baby Loving Fit as I used to, need to get back into my momentum again.

Ok, so this workout is in Real Time, you can follow me in the video. But, personally this is not my favorite format of filming, simply because I don’t like following others when I workout, I like to do things at my own pace. Each of us have different abilities, and we cannot fully become aware of them by following others. Some of you guys could be slower than me, some of you I’m sure can be so much faster, but you won’t know if you following in the video if your brain is wired to repeat after someone. So, my advice to you is this, if you’re going to follow along with me in the video, and you see that I’m resting, it doesn’t mean you should be resting as well. If you on the other hand cannot keep up, this shouldn’t upset you, it doesn’t mean that I’m better, it only means that we are at a different level. I think this is the best mentality to approach anything in life, not only in working out.

For Newbies

If you are new to Loving Fit I recommend to check out ” Creating Your Workout Plan ” post. There you will be able to see how I put together my routines, and you can find something for your own fitness level. My philosophy is: Form is always more important than speed, so WATCH YOUR FORM!
Another thing that I really recommend all of my beginners to check out, is my post review called on What Is The Beta Switch. I think this plan is quite amazingly put together for someone who is just starting out and need a lot of guidance. I’m not a beginner and I found so much useful info learning from Beta Switch Program.

For Complete Beginners I really suggest to check out my review-post about The Beta Switch. This is an amazing program for complete beginners with tips and guidance not only about working out, but also nutrition and keeping your mind on track.

Workout Explanation

In this Real Time Upper Body routine I was using my timer

, an Ugi medicine ball ( you can substitute if for something that will create an unstable surface, such s a pillow, or a regular medicine ball, or just get creative ), a pair of dumbbells.

Set your timer for 2 intervals, 20 seconds ( rest ) and 1 minute ( full max effort ), for the total of 16 rounds.
There is only 2 combos in this workout, and you will go through both of them for the total of 8 rounds each.

Also, there is 2 ways of doing this routine. The usual, up & down way ( starting each round from the top ). Or, you can do first round starting from the top, second round starting from the bottom and going up, third round again from the top, forth round again from the bottom and so on. It’s up to you


  • 1) First Combo: 2 Dynamic Push-ups on Ugi, 2 inward palm spiderman push-ups, 2 push-ups on dumbbells, 2 more inward palm spiderman push-ups. ( THIS WHOLE THING COUNTS AS 1 SET )
  • 2) Second Combo: S&M Push-off, Side Plank & Half Burpee ( THIS WHOLE THING COUNTS AS 1 REP )

English Version

Russian Version

Enjoy the workout!



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