Fitness Magazine

Hot Morning Burn Workout

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Oct 15, 2011 by

Fat Loss Workout

I put this routine together specifically to be done in the morning before breakfast, it is only 18 minutes long and it will start up your day with some fat burn.  If you do this workout before you had breakfast, your body will use fat as energy fuel ( usually if you eat any type of carbs and workout an hour or two later, the body will use those carbs, NOT the fat to fuel it self ) I split it up in two parts, where you do 2 rounds of Interval Training, recover for 2 minutes and do 2 more rounds.  You can take it up a notch and do all 4 rounds without taking a break, but I do recommend a little break, this way you are able to push through the next 2 rounds all the way.

I also decide to split the actual workout video and exercise explanations recap video into two videos, it takes less time to upload.

All I was using in this workout is my 8 lb non bouncy medicine ball, if you don’t have one you can use a dumbbell instead.

Hot Morning Burn Workout Video

Workout explanation

Set your timer ( I am using Gymboss Max )for 2 intervals of 5 seconds ( rest interval ) and 40 seconds ( maximum effort interval ) for the total of 12 rounds.  There is 6 exercises.  You will go through them twice, take 2 minutes break and repeat one more time.

  • Side Lunges with half chop
  • Jump Lunges with hands behind your head
  • The 7 push-up
  • Elbow plank jumps
  • Slow Pike Press ( with legs together )

Since the rest period was only 5 seconds, I didn’t have time to write down my reps.

Exercises Recap & Beginner Variations Video

PS – I have a newly updated About Me Page, so check it out


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