Dark or Black Neck, also known as Acanthosis Nigricans, is a common skin pigmentation disorder. It is harmless and not contagious, but can knock self esteem and confidence.
Dark neck is quite embarrassing problem specially if you have fair face but dark neck. One of the big reason of dark neck complexion is that we often ignore our neck while washing our face. You have to remember that neck is extension of your face and your face never ends at your chin.Whenever you wash your face don’t forget to wash your neck as well and when you apply any kind of moisturizer or make-up on your face don’t forget to apply it on your neck as well otherwise continuous ignorance may result in further darkening of neck. Here we have a collection of some best home remedies to whiten dark neck.

Dark neck skin causes
Home Remedies for Dark Neck:
There are many effective and natural remedies to reduce the dark discoloration of the skin. Follow them regularly to get rid of and prevent this problem.
Lemon juice
Lime contributes to whiten the skin, making it a popular choice for most beauty treatments, for example to remove dark neck and removing skin blemishes. To perform this cleaning you should cut a lemon in half and rub on your neck or extracting the juice and massage it. This will help you make whiten the neck area. Mix a little honey with lemon juice and help moisturize the skin as well.
Almond Scrub
Almonds are an amazing source of Vitamin E which is necessary for improving the general health of the skin and works effectively to lighten dark skin. The skin lightening properties of almonds also help in correcting skin discoloration. The benefits of almond oil and almond milk for skin are well known. No doubt, almonds and almond oil is widely used in beauty products and cosmetics.
Sugar scrub
A sugar scrub helps remove dead skin cells then form new cells that can keep the skin looking younger and smoother appearance. To make this exfoliator, take a teaspoon of pure honey and add sugar in it. Now rub this scrub on your neck in circular motions. Sugar granules help to exfoliate the skin clear dark settled impurities on it. Then you must wash with water and finally hydrate skin.
Oats Scrub
Oatmeal and weight loss are closely related to each other, but it is also an effective home remedy for various skin problems. It not only exfoliates the skin in a gentle manner, but also heals acne and soothes dry and irritated skin. It is one of the best natural scrubs of all skin types. It is also effective in lightening dark complexion, which makes it one of the most powerful home remedies for dark skin.
Avocado Mask
Avocado’s natural content promotes the natural color of the skin. Just make a paste of avocado pulp and apply it over the neck and let it dry. Use lukewarm water for rinsing off purpose and repeat regularly to get complete relief.
Orange Peel
Orange peel is an amazing ingredient for improving overall skin health because the peels actually contain a higher amount of vitamin C compared to the fruit. Vitamin C is an essential compound for lightening the skin tone. Dried orange peel powder acts as natural bleach for skin lightening at home, which helps in correcting uneven skin tone and dark patches on the neck.

Home Remedies for Dark Neck
Baking Soda
One of the main reasons for darkness of skin is the accumulation of dead skin cells thanks to the rich exfoliating Properties of baking soda that help in removing the accumulated dead cells and reduces the dark color very effectively. All you need is to make a mixture of baking soda and water and rub over the neck to get the benefits.
Potato slice
Simply rubbing a slice of potato over the dark neck skin can help you to considerable lighten it within weeks. Potato is having a skin lightening enzyme called catecholase plus it also has some mild acids that can help in removing the dead skin cells and impurities. So to whiten neck peel a potato, cut a thick slice and rub it for 5 minutes daily.