Feb 9, 2012 by Tatianna

Today’s workout was a follow up routine to yesterdays ” Leg’s, Butt And Thighs Workout “. It was about 22 minutes long and torturous as hell! This routine was focused on the upper body, abs, and cardio. It was definitely very fast paced and by the end I was completely burned out.
When doing routines such as HIIT it’s very important to nourish your body properly at least an hour and a half to an hour before the routine, this will help you push your self much harder, it will also help your body develop good muscle tone. I’ve been following all of my own nutrition advice such as vegetables with every meal, and I can tell you that eating veggies with every meal gives you an incredible amount of energy especially for training. So eat your veggies!
In this routine I used a medicine ball, my timer, a weighted jump rope and my pink toy Lebert. If you don’t have the equipment I am using, you can substitute the Lebert with just 2 chairs for dips.
Don’t forget to do a good warm-up before starting this routine, you have a basic warm-up routine which you can follow along.
For workout recap and beginner variation fast forward the video.
Workout Explanation
Set your timerfor 2 intervals of 10 sec ( rest interval ) and 35 seconds ( max effort interval ) for the total of 30 rounds. There are 10 exercises in this workout ( there are actually less exercises but some of them are done on one side at a time ). You will go though the following routine 3 times.
Keep a mirror in front of you to make sure you are doing every exercise in proper form, because the best results come from the proper form.
- Jump Back Push-Up on a Medicine Ball – Right Hand
- Elbow Plank Reptile
- Jump Back Push-Up on a Medicine Ball – Left Hand
- Stretching Pull Ins
- Turning Bridge Push-Up – Right Hand
- Turning Bridge Push-up – Left Hand
- Power Jump Rope Jacks ( fast forward the video for the proper explanation )
- One Leg Shoulder Press
- High Knees ( without the jump rope )
- Dips
My scores
1) 14, 12, 10
2) 15, 12, 12
3) 12, 12, 11
4) 17, 16, 15
5) 13, 12, 11
6) 11, 12, 11
7) 33, 30, 28

9) 78, 73, 64
10) 12, 11, 11
Share your scores!!!