Health Magazine

Healthy And Safe Tips For Pregnant Women

By Rojer @healthxwellness
Healthy And Safe Tips For Pregnant Women

Pregnancy can be the perfect time to start thinking about your health, because then your responsibility of not only for yourself but also for your baby.

Health is very important for you and your baby. During pregnancy the woman’s body changes dramatically. The main reason for these changes is the hormonal variations linked to the pregnancy. The increased size and weight is easily the most prominent sign. Walking is a superb way to maintain general fitness while pregnant. A Pregnant woman needs 300 additional Calories while pregnant.

Pregnancy can be the perfect time to start thinking about your health, because then your responsibility of not only for yourself but also for your baby. Pregnant women is going for different nutrients for a balance diet. Try to exercise routine, avoid unhealthy food and maintaining a healthy diet. It will help to give your baby an excellent start of development and healthy life. Here are a few health tips during pregnancy:


Heavy exercising is not recommended for pregnant women but gentle or moderate exercises, for example walking, will be beneficial. Nowadays, physical trainers are teaching exercises which are pregnancy- specific. These exercises help with keeping a pregnant woman fit besides ensuring an even delivery.

Prevent Swelling

To avoid swelling of the legs shouldn’t remain many hours standing, lift up your legs when you are resting and hanging out if you remain long. Compression stockings are recommended for this purpose and avoid tight socks, garters… cold water showers in the level of the lower extremities are also effective.

Sleep Tight But Right

Avoid resting on your back as the added weight can be harmful for your back muscles and spinal-cord. Try to sleep on your left side, because it would ensure adequate oxygen supply for your fetus. Listening to mellifluous music or reading a pleasant book will make sure that you have a trouble-free sleep.

Loose Clothing

Clothing should be loose, but tightening without hinder movement. The high heels should be avoided due to the risk of falls, and very flat produce more lower back pain, so ideally a low wide heel base.

Eat Healthy

Remember to eat healthy always. Make sure your meals are balanced and nutritious. Avoid uncooked food, even salads, and be sure that your food is hygienic. If you have a sensitive stomach, do not eat outdoors. Constipation is very common while pregnant due to the hormonal changes. Make sure you eat plenty of fruits, vegetables and fiber – laden food for example whole – wheat or multi grain breads.


A pregnant woman gets tired easily, and rest within the later stages of pregnancy is important. After 34 weeks, and earlier if at all possible, try to stand for 30 minutes for an hour, preferably after a meal. If it’s difficult to lie down during the day, attempt to rest as much as possible horizontal.

Healthy Pregnancy Tips

Healthy Pregnancy Tips

Avoid Cigarettes & Alcohol

Avoid smoking completely and then try to avoid taking too much of alcohol. Some believe that the occasional red wine may not be harmful but it’s better to stay away from alcohol so far as possible. For that matter, too much of coffee can also be not good but that does not mean that you should deprive yourself of your morning cuppa.


Choose your scheduled medical check ups and scans. Tell your doctor should you observe anything unusual, for example spotting. Make sure you take all the multivitamins and tonics which are prescribed by your doctor.

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