Hot tub spas offer a relaxing, warm-water environment that combines buoyancy and massaging jets, making them a practical and well-used tool for many types of therapy.
Spas and hot tubs have changed dramatically because the days of soaking in natural mineral spas however the reasons they feel just as good today stay the same. There are three simple principles affecting the body. The heat and massaging elements of hot tubs are designed to ease the aches, pains, and stresses of life while simultaneously boosting the mind’s and body’s natural healing response systems. Hot tubs spa provide a wealth of wellness benefits for your healthy life.
Hot tubbing is a wonderful way to enjoy the afternoon or evening having a friends and family or can be a romantic interlude with your husband or wife. You may be surprised to understand, however, that hot tubs are prescribed to people struggling with a number of ailments like diabetes and high blood pressure just because a hot tub spa can have a wonderful effect on your health.
General well-being
People who use hot tubs and spa facilities regularly have a feeling of rejuvenation, and relaxation that just hydrotherapy can bring. Spa treatments are good for the mind and also the soul, and reduce stress and anxiety.
Type 2 Diabetes & Hot Tubs
Recent studies have shown that with continued use of hot tub therapy as high as 30 minutes a day can help with type 2 diabetes by lowering blood sugar. However, this does come with a warning; like a drop in blood sugar may not be immediately apparent until an individual has exited the tub, with this is mind we’d advise you leave your lay-z-spa hot tub gradually and seek proper medical advice before utilizing a hot tub so as to really feel and understand the benefits of this wonderful hot tub hydrotherapy.
Better Sleep
Sleepless nights keeping you awake? A soak in a hot tub can do wonders to helping you accomplish a peaceful night’s sleep because the body’s core internal thermostat drops after leaving the water, which signals the body that it’s time for you to sleep.
Poor circulation
The warm water in spas and hot tubs reveals the blood vessels, decreasing blood pressure. This in turn eases blood flow and improves circulation, plus stimulates nerves to boost the immune system.
Chronic Pain relief
Hot tub therapy might help people suffering chronic pain by massaging pressure points within the body where pain is at its worse.
Muscle pain relief
Muscular pain relief is one of the benefits of using a hot tub, and the water has exactly the same effect that a hot pack might have on a sore muscle. Warm water engulfs the body and looses muscle tightness. Pressurised water from wall jets apply more direct pressure to some tense or painful muscle. Stretching or mild exercise within the hot tub will also improve flexibility.
The link between stress and illness should be of interest to anyone worried about their health. We all have stress in our daily lives relating to work, family and society. Mental tensions, frustrations and insecurity are some of the most damaging types of stress.
People who relax inside a hot tub for 15-20 minutes before bed time may enjoy a deep and peaceful sleep. Warm water massage can stimulate your body to produce endorphins and these endorphins help reduce stress.
Arthritis relief
Water helps make the body buoyant and allows free movement of the joints with as many as 90% less weight when the body is immersed in water. Once stress has been taken off the joints the body can move freely with no pain often associated with arthritis.
Better blood flow
Hot tubs help cause the dilation of blood vessels, which increases the blood flow throughout the body. This delivers oxygen and enzymes towards the site of the ache, reducing any pain.

Health Benefits of Hot Tub Spa
Pressure jets inside a hot tub can relieve and prevent headaches from occurring, because they reduce stress and promote relaxation.
Joint Pain
Once a personal injury occurs in the human body, blood flow is automatically increased towards the injured area. This causes swelling in the joint which in turn causes pain. Warm water in a hot tub will dilate the blood vessels to relieve painful symptoms.