Fitness Magazine

GZCLP Workout Program Review

By Nuwave

I ran GZCLP for 4 months and enjoyed the different rep schemes and schedule of it. In this post I'll describe my personal opinions and thoughts on the program and my results. The main reason I did this was because I was stalling quickly on 5×5 routines and 3×5 routines like stronglifts or starting strength wasn't enough volume for me anymore after coming from nSuns 5/3/1 program.

*This is my personal review, I'm just a regular guy that likes to exercise and share my view. I'm not claiming to be anything more than just sharing an opinion of what I experienced*

I bulked up from 165-171lbs during the 4 month period on this eating a lot (2800-2900 calorie average) and doing 4x a week weight lifting. I had to follow a separate spreadsheet due to the complexitiy of this program with their rep phases and deload phases as you start to fail. This is the spreadsheet link I used here from the mega summary of available spreadsheets to follow. All those spreadsheets there are great and created by people who did some research as well so definitely check it out if you are wanting to find something that works for you.

GZCLP is a 3 or 4 day a week weightlifting program that incorporates the big lifts in addition to accompanying accessory lifts. It's similar in style to SS/3×5 routines but its different in the way it addresses failure reps and rep schemes. Essentially when it comes down to it as you start to fail you change the rep scheme from 5×3 -> if fail 6×2 -> if fail 10×1 -> if fail , deload etc. There is a more in-depth picture I will attach so you can get the full scope of things and also a great reddit source to ask your personal questions to those individuals that are more in tune with the program too and still doing it. GZCLP reddit

GZCLP Workout Program Review

GZCLP Infographic from


  • 3-4 workouts per week .
  • A beginner COULD do this if proper search and correct spreadsheet/tracking is used.
  • Way more fun than starting strength/ stronglifts.
  • Takes about 60-80 minutes until you start getting to the 10×1 rep sets at 90% 1RM values.
  • Variable of training intensity and rep sets allowing you to not look at a 5×5 set of deadlift and dread or a 5×5 set of squat. You can look forward to 3×5 or 6×2 and feel like "Hey I can do that!" . The mentality of less reps but more sets gives you a bit more enjoyment.
  • Customization (ability to add more accessory lifts after T1/T2 movements are done in order to help address weak areas).
  • Balanced work load - this program isn't too squat heavy or upper body heavy it hits all the things in a good fashion ( a problem with nsuns 5/3/1 was the lack of rowing or proper back row you always had to add more due to the huge amount of pressing movements you were doing).
  • Fun progression style - When you fail you don't immediately repeat the same next workout, or drop 5lbs and try again. You change rep style and sets then try again.


  • LP program - Linear Progression meaning we want to increase our weight each week in this case and that can be challenging for a lot of those who have been on LP programs for a long time already.
  • Not user friendly - Requires a spreadsheet to always make sure you are doing right or at least tracking with notepad/paper and pen. There are some apps now that feature this workout program too but even then they aren't always 100% accurate when updating weights or if you fail a set they don't properly drop the sets down from 3×5->6×2 etc. You need to research properly or get the correct spreadsheet ( one I linked above works mostly) to get the best out of this program.
  • Exhausting workouts when you fail enough times and approach the 10×1 sets (you are working at heavy intensity sets for 10 sets of 1 rep often time this takes 40mins+). Sometimes you get tired just by finishing the T1 lift when you are near that deload point of failure sets. Often times I was only able to finish the 10×1 T1 set, do the T2 sets then maybe 1 accessory movement and I was spent by then it might be 1hr 20mins+.
  • Must sleep enough for growth.
  • Must eat in calorie surplus to gain sufficient strength.
  • Very challenging if trying to do this program on calorie deficit or cutting weight. Sometimes you wont have the endurance to go through the whole workout and you will possibly stall early due to lack of calories for pushing new strength gains each week.

Overall, I think GZCLP is a good program and I might return to it again after I finish up this 10 week powerbuilding new routine I'm trying. After GZCLP and bulking past 170lbs I felt I got a bit fat and puffy so lately I've been reducing calories and doing more cardio (JUMP ROPE IS AWESOME !) to drop down to around 165lbs. After I do a little bit of body recomposition I might come back to this program because I enjoyed it a lot and maybe I can squeeze out a bit more LP gains before moving onto something more intermediate. Hope this review helps give you some opinions and insight as well with helpful links to get you started if you need. Here are some youtube videos of me doing the workout program after a period of time.

About Author

GZCLP Workout Program Review
Lloyd L.

Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Lloyd and I live in Hawaii. I started working out in 2010. Read more on how I overcame adversity and transformed my life forever!

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