My first race of the year is here and I am P to the UMPED!
While training for this race didn't go exactly as I'd planned, my last few runs have felt great, so I'm going into this race feeling pretty optimistic.
The 3M Half Marathon is a point-to-point race and is supposed to be one of the fastest in the country. Why? Because it's almost completely downhill. In fact, the tagline for the race is "Downhill to Downtown." As such, I've got my eye on a PR!
Get a shiny new PR! My current half marathon PR stands at 1:53:40. I snagged that bad boy from the MORE/Fitness/SHAPE Women's Half Marathon, which is a pretty hilly course (two loops of Central Park). If I can PR on a hilly course, I can certainly PR on a downhill course, right? RIGHT! My speed work got a little derailed thanks to a cranky hip (does that make me sound old?), but as I said, my last few runs have been solid, so I think I can do it!
Run a sub 2:00. This was my goal for the San Antonio Half, and I just barely missed it. The 98% humidity slowed me down. The forecast for 3M race day is looking to be pretty similar to San Antonio - high 60s with 98% humidity. 60s? Awesome. Humidity? WOOF. If I'm not feeling up to a PR, I'm hoping I can at least cut through the humidity to run a sub 2, something I haven't done in a while.
Just have fun. - I want to have fun whether I PR or not. That's why I race, after all! If I can't run my fastest, I still want to run with a smile and cross the finish line craving another race.
Is anyone else running this weekend? Share your race day goals or any other fit & fashionable things in today's Fit & Fashionable Friday Link Up!
Let's Chat:
What goals are you working toward this weekend?