Fitness Magazine

Get Your Butt Outta That Rut.

By Heather Murphy @MrsMurphysLOF

Ruts. We all get in ‘em from time to time, but it’s a total bummer when it comes to our fitness regimen. We use it to relieve stress, clear our minds and keep us healthy and fit. So when we start to dread our workout, we know something has to change.

Here are some great tips to spice things up and keep you coming back for more.

Take a break- I know, it’s not the first thing that comes to mind when you want to crank up your workout, but oftentimes all you need is a little time off to allow your body to heal and get your creative juices flowing. Efficient recovery will put that pep back in your step and give you the energy you need to get the results you crave.


Change up your playlist- You know how that certain song can get you through, what feels like, the toughest last rep in the universe. You can push through the roughest parts of a workout with the right tunes, but they can get stale pretty quickly, so change it up often!


Breakup with steady state cardio- Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you know that staying on the treadmill for an hour is not the way to get you into those skinny jeans. If you are looking for fat loss, steady state cardio is not the answer. Plus, it’s so friggin’ boring! You can burn more calories in less time with interval training. If you are on the treadmill, do sprints/jogging/ walking all in one session. Add some hills to kick it up a notch!

Cozy up to circuits- Doing your strength routine in circuit form (each exercise back to back with little rest in between) will torch mega calories and keep things interesting. Most of my workouts are in circuit form and I always look forward to hitting the gym.

pyramid workout

track rest periods- Have you been tracking your workout progress? That’s great, but if you want to change things up, try tracking your rest periods. Experiment with different resting times after each exercise, round and circuit; you will be amazed how much this changes up your workout.

try something new- This one is kind of a no- brainer, but it can be the most difficult thing for some of us to do. We humans are creatures of habit. We like our cozy comfort zones, but unfortunately, they won’t get you very far if you are trying to drop weight and tone up. Plus, you end up dreading your workout instead of looking forward to them. Try a new class, or check out YouTube and fitness blog’s for inspiration.

What do you guys do when you are in a fitness rut? I love circuit’s and finding new workouts on Pinterest!

Have an amazing weekend , beauties!


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