Gardening Magazine


  • Fungi Walk

    Fungi Walk

    On Sunday I participated in a Fungi Walk, organised by the Countryside Rangers department of our local Council. It took place on Odiham Common, an area of... Read more

    The 12 October 2016 by   Mwillis
  • In A Vase On Monday – Catching Up

    Vase Monday Catching

    Dear Readers, I must start with a very heartfelt apology for my long absence. As you will probably have guessed all has not been rosy here in the Peonies ... Read more

    The 17 October 2016 by   Julie King
  • The Importance of Food Education

    Importance Food Education

    The social media is full of articles about how bad supermarket food is - especially processed food - and about how much food is wasted. Read more

    The 26 October 2016 by   Mwillis
  • The Year of the Snail

    Year Snail

    We have had a couple of relatively mild, wet winters; followed by relatively wet springs and summers and autumns.  Earlier in the year there were warnings in th... Read more

    The 16 October 2016 by   Ozhene
  • Irritating Plant of the Month - October 2016

    Irritating Plant Month October 2016

    This month's tale of woe is indeed one of woe.  I am sad that this plant has entered these hallowed halls of disappointment but, dear reader, there is little... Read more

    The 23 October 2016 by   Ozhene
  • Gardening as Therapy

    Gardening Therapy

    This past week has been Mental Health Week, apparently (along with various other types of week, such as National Curry Week), and I have seen several people... Read more

    The 15 October 2016 by   Mwillis
  • "Jobs to Do for Autumn"

    "Jobs Autumn"

    A Grumpy Old Man whinge today:- I get really annoyed by all the blogs that tell me what I should be doing in my garden - the "Ten jobs you should be doing... Read more

    The 18 October 2016 by   Mwillis
  • Wild Camping and Toby

    Wild Camping Toby

    I'm not doing too well with the old blog post writing these past months am I? Well to try and remedy that here's another catch up post, non-allotment related I'... Read more

    The 22 October 2016 by   Chrryblossomtat2
  • Floral Arrangements with Love in a Puff, Balloon Vine

    Floral Arrangements with Love Puff, Balloon Vine

    Floral Arrangements with Love in a Puff, Balloon Vine It's been a crazy month for me. With my move to a new location, sorting through inventory and getting... Read more

    The 27 October 2016 by   Botanicart
  • Top 5 Flowers for the Vegetable Garden Or Allotment

    Flowers Vegetable Garden Allotment

    It must be said, a veg garden in full productive swing is a thing of beauty. Throw some flowers into the mix and you have yourself a masterpiece. Read more

    The 25 October 2016 by   The Garden Smallholder


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