Fitness Magazine
Q: I am new to your blog and have been loving your recent posts. I am interested in knowing more about hypertension and yoga, but wanted to know if you have already written about this topic.
A: I’m glad you checked first! Recently I’ve received a lot of questions that we’ve already addressed over the years. At this point, we have been blogging about Yoga for Healthy Aging for over 5 years, on average about five days a week for most weeks of the year! So, there is a lot of archived content on our site. And for this reader, I can say with confidence that we have already written about hypertension and yoga (see Hypertension and Yoga: An Overview and Friday Q&A: Yoga Solutions for Hypertension). But what about your questions? Do you know how to find older blog posts that might have the answer?
The truth is that there is so much material on the blog covering such a wide range of topics, I sometimes even forget what we have already written about! So the first thing I will do when this happens is go to the home page to the Search box in the upper right side, and enter a key word or phrase that identifies my topic, and wait a second or so and a list of choices will display beneath it. I then peruse the choices that appear and click on the one that seems closest to my interest. That will display the post I want to say. (There is another way to use this function, which you can learn about via the link below.)
If no list of post appears, I might try a different way of phrasing my area of interest to see if that works. If no search phrase works, before concluding that there is nothing on the blog, there a few other things to try.
Sometimes I use the blog archive, found on the tabs at the right border of the home page, especially if I recall a specific month that a topic was addressed. And when I was mentioning all this to Nina, she reminded me of the alphabetical list of topics called “labels” that you can access from the same tabs on the right border, as another great way to look for topic, as well as give a sense of the breadth of topics available on our site. When I checked the labels, I found that high blood pressure had 7 listings there, and hypertension another 3.
Of course, if after all of this, you find nothing on our site that answers your question, please feel send your question to me at [email protected].
If you forget this information about how to search or want a more complete description, you can always check the How to Search page on our site that Nina wrote to guide you through all this. Take a good read through this to familiarize yourself to all the details, and then go ahead and give it a try—put a new topic in and see what you find. Happy hunting!
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