Fitness Magazine

Food Diary And Something Personal

By Tatiannalovingfit @lovingfit

Mar 22, 2013 by


Hello my Sweets,

This week our schedule is a bit off and I wasn’t to take pics of my food on Wednesday, I had to take them on Tuesday and just now I finally had time to edit them and write this post. I wanted to share something personal with you guys and what has been going on this past week. At first I wanted to make a video about this, but I don’t think I would of been able to keep my emotions in check, so I just decided to write about it.

As you know, I told you a while ago that Miguel’s grandfather had been sick, it’s been going on for several months and Miguel would go to Tampa ( it’s about 2 hours drive from here ) several times a week to go see him and help the family through this difficult time. He has a very big family, they are very close and loving to each other, they are always by each other’s side when one needs help. Miguel was very close to his grandfather, I always thought that Miguel’s personality is just like his grandfathers. His grandfather has been in the hospital for month’s, and the family has been by his side day and night.

We stayed very positive, I didn’t even think in the back of my mind that anything could happen to him. Then last Friday, the doctor said to take him home and that he has only 1 day or so to live. He made it till Sunday… I was supposed to go there Sunday morning but we only have one car and Miguel couldn’t come to pick me up, he has been taking care of a lot of things over there and helping everyone to stay strong, so I didn’t end up going to see him on his last day. But I could only imagine how it happened and how our family was coping at that moment…

When I saw Miguel a couple of days later he told me the story of how it happened. In the last 5 minutes of his life, the whole family was in his room, they placed their hands on top of his in a circle to take their last picture with him, as he was taking his last breath everyone was telling him that they love him, that he was the best dad, grandfather and great grandfather ever, it was very surreal. And then he was gone…

I went to the memorial on Wednesday, I couldn’t believe how many family members and friends came, there was about 50-60 people there, so many beautiful flowers were sent from all over, ( their family is quite huge ). Even though I know and understand what death is from a Spiritual perspective, it’s still hard to watch so many people suffer. I was in a trance throughout, but it was one of the most amazing things to see how incredible Miguel’s family is, how much they love and support each other, how they keep each other strong. I feel so lucky to be part of so much love. When I met Miguel and his family, I finally understood what a real family was like, when I was growing up things were different, I’ve never experienced anything like this, in my family there wasn’t a lot of emotions expressed.

The reason I’m sharing this with you guys, is to say that nothing is permanent, change is the only constant. We have to appreciate every second of our lives with our loved ones and live in the present moment and always be in awareness of it. When we get into the vibration of awareness and appreciation of everything and everyone, our life becomes magical and it opens up hidden realities of our selves and the world around us, that we cannot discover unless we become fully aware.

What I mean by becoming fully aware and appreciate every moment, is to be able to put your inner dialog on low volume or turn it off completely, open your eyes to the smallest details around and appreciate how beautiful this world really is, how magical it is. Try to be completely in the present moment no matter what you are doing, stop thinking too much, stop analyzing just be. Become awareness. Become appreciation. Become peace.

I didn’t eat much on Wednesday, mainly breakfast and some snack throughout the day, I also got only 1 hour of sleep that day.

Here are the pictures of what I ate on Tuesday:

  • Breakfast ( I’ve been having almost same breakfast every morning, when I like something I eat it so much until I get tired of eating it:


Lightly steamed organic kale, 3 scrambled eggs and tomatoes that I cooked with coconut oil.

  • Snack


I found this interesting mixture of buckwheat, chia seeds and hemp seeds and I’ve been loving it. I also had some organic raspberries.

  • Dinner


This is another thing that I’ve been loving almost daily, organic spinach, arugula, chicken, apple and peanut butter. I love dipping my chicken into peanut butter, and I’ve been salting my apples too. I know it sounds kind of gross, but trust me its absolutely delicious.

Miguel is coming home tomorrow, if he doesn’t comeback too late we are going to film a new Real Time Cardio for you guys, if he does end up coming home late we will film it on Saturday morning. I also want to do a full length Abs Workout for you guys, and that I will do next week. I will keep posting on my Facebook the daily workouts ( Upper or Lower body ) that I do personally, so you guys know what I do when we are not filming.

Thank you my Lovie-Dovies for being part of my life, I’ve became so close to so many of you guys and I feel truly blessed,

Love and lot’s of hugs,


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