It’s been a long time since I shared my last round of Fit, Focused, & Fun Finds, but I’ve been stockpiling links for you all! So sit back, relax and enjoy the show!
Fit, Focused, & Fun Finds are articles, posts, videos, memes, and anything I’ve come across while perusing the world wide web that I think you’d enjoy. Take a gander through these links and discover some new blogs, pubs and peeps to follow and perhaps learn some fun things in the process!
This study tested 697 of protein powder flavors and found that only 8 are risk free! (spoiler alert, one of them is my beloved Vega! <— affiliate link) |
The benefits of eating pumpkin. | Blogilates
15 easy slow cooker recipes | MyFitnessPal
15 delicious new ways to use oatmeal | MyFitnessPal
The proper way to fuel before a long run | Runner’s World
10 healthy, hearty kale recipe for fall | Well & Good
7 secrets to sticking with exercise | Team Beachbody Blog
How to actually walk 10,000 steps a day | MindBodyGreen
9 celebrities who have trained for a marathon | Well & Good
Running at night gets safer with a step-powered light | PSFK
Going on my holiday wish list: a wave-activated biking GPS | PSFK
Slip into a 3D-Printed Adidas shoe | PSFK
Kate Spade debuts an activewear collaboration | Well & Good
Comfortable heels promise the shock-absorption of tennis shoes | PSFK
Jenny Lawson gets me every time. Check out all the tweets people sent her admitting their shameful moments. They all hit a little too close to home. haha | The Bloggess
Finally, I can figure out where to put my bike in my lil apartment. Will someone buy me one of these awesome pieces of furniture? | PSFK
Love Barbie’s new advertising campaign | Kveller
Why, yes, I would like a “Netflix & Chill” button. | PSFK
This dog is everything:
Posted by Viral Thread on Tuesday, October 20, 2015
10 tips for gluten-free baking you probably have heard before (at least I hadn’t heard of most of them). | Civilized Caveman
12 healthy food bargains you can find at Trader Joe’s | MindBodyGreen
How to make your lipstick last all day | PureWow
How to stop feeling guilty | Greatist
Forget focusing on goals. To get fit & healthy, focus on this instead. | Run. Lift. Yoga.
This mom created an “American boy” doll for her son and it’s the best thing ever | Gina D Wagner
This is absolutely terrible: 4-year-old girl told, “He likes you!” after boy hits her so hard she needs stitches | BUST
Looking for some good, quick reads? Check out this roundup of finds!
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Don’t forget to tune in tomorrow for Fit & Fashionable Friday.
Let’s Chat:
That bulldog. Discuss!
Any gluten-free baking tips?
Would you let your son play with a doll?