Diet & Weight Magazine

Fit, Focused & Fun Finds (from Around the Web!) #42

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

Happy Thursday! Today is actually my Friday because tomorrow morning I’m jetting off to Texas for vacation! Will and I both have family in Texas (Dallas and Austin), so we’re doing a little Lone Star tour and seeing the fam all in one. Have no fear, though, I have some AWESOME guest posters coming your way starting tomorrow! Wee!! Be sure to come by and give them some love, and in the meantime, check out these awesome Fit, Focused and Fun Finds!

Fitful Focus Finds, links, roundup

Fit, Focused, & Fun Finds are articles, posts, videos, memes, and anything I’ve come across while perusing the world wide web that I think you’d enjoy. Take a gander through these links and discover some new blogs, pubs and peeps to follow and perhaps learn some fun things in the process!

Totally going to this Breaking Bad coffee shop if it happens! | PSFK
Oatmeal Recipe Roundup | Confessions of a Mother Runner
18 fall desserts and snacks that DON’T contain pumpkin | Diary of an ExSloth

Squat Variations You Should Do | ACTIVE
7 Tips for Running an Awesome Second Marathon | Coach Debbie Runs
5 running myths debunked once and for all | Femme Fitale Fit Club

I’m really interested in these ergonomic shoes that forego laces and hug the foot instead | PSFK
A new fitness apparel line and Tinder for working out! | PSFK
Smart clothes that will track your every move | PSFK
7 must-try fitness fashion trends | Well & Good
The anti-bacterial sneakers you can wear without socks | PSFK

Retro fitness equipment you can still buy online | Greatist
Whole Foods Apologies | The Late Show

10 ways to beat boredom on a run (and also see, “Running is never boring” below!)| ACTIVE
24 ways to beat the afternoon slump | The Fit Switch

Running is never boring. Instead, here are some great words to describe it. | Runner’s World
Boston Marathon digitally enabled concept store | Retail Innovation

Need a fun read? You’ll love this roundup of food, fitness, fashion & fun finds!
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Let’s Chat:
Who wants to go to the Breaking Bad coffee shop with me when it opens?
Did you own/do you want to own any of that retro fitness equipment?

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