May 10, 2013 by Tatianna

Hello my Lovies,
I’m happy to present you with another awesome Upper Body Workout! It’s only about 33 minutes long ( could be longer depending on how long of a break you will take between each part ). I’ve been really working on gaining more strength lately not only with pulling exercises but with different variations of push-ups. These style of workouts have made a huge difference for me within a month and a half. The funniest thing about this routine is, that unassisted pull-ups were actually the easiest exercise.
Few Words For The Newbies
If you are new to Loving Fit I recommend to check out ” Creating Your Workout Plan ” post. There you will be able to see how I put together my routines, and you can find something for your own fitness level. My philosophy is: Form is always more important than speed, so WATCH YOUR FORM!
Things to remember before, during and after your workout
- Warm-Up
- Always Practice Good Form
- Stretch
Workout Explanation
In this routine I was using my Pull-Up bar, a chair and my Gymboss Timer. This workout is broken into 2 parts. First part is 25 minutes long, second part is 8 minutes long.
Part one
Set your Gymboss Timer for 1 interval to count down 25 minutes. There is only 3 exercises, and your goal is to complete as many rounds as you can within those 25 minutes in GOOD FORM.
- Unassisted 2-way grip Pull-Ups – 6 reps
- Walk-Inn and 2 Shoulder Presses on a chair – 6 sets ( 12 presses total )
- Twist Back Push-Ups – 8 reps
Part 2
Set your Gymboss Timer for one interval of 1minute, for the total of 8 rounds.
There is 2 exercises that you will complete back and forth with no break in between ( total of 4 rounds each )
- Slow Wall Climbers
- Walking Crab ( 6 forward and 6 back )
As I mentioned in the video, I always suggest you do at least 15 minutes of cardio after your strength training routines. I have a section of Real Time Cardio workouts now, so don’t be a sneaky pooh and skip on your cardio

My time:
Part one I’ve completed 6 rounds and 4 pull-ups within the 25 minutes, after the timer beeped I finished 2 pull-ups.
Part 2 I was pretty consistent with my reps, I’ve completed about 40 wall climbers and 38-40 crabs per set.
Have a wonderful weekend Loves!
PS – I got my tights on ebay.
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