Like Easy Sitting Twist, Marichi’s pose 3 (Marichyasana 3, named after the sage Marichi) is a basic seated twist that is generally accessible, though some will be a bit more challenging due to the leg and arm positions.Also, like Easy Sitting Twist, Marichi’s pose 3 helps to maintain and improve your twisting flexibility, which you need for everyday actions such as grabbing something off to your side or turning to look behind you as you drive. The pose also strengthens your diagonally oriented muscles, including the abdominal obliques, as well as the small muscles between your ribs and close to your spine. While some of these muscles are shortening in the twist and others are lengthening, by twisting in both directions, you will both strengthen and stretch them all. Additionally, as your small spinal muscles pull on your spinal bones in the twist, they actually stimulate thin bones to strengthen over time, so a simple twist can help strengthen the bones of your spine (although those with osteoporosis/osteopenia may need to be careful not to overdo twists). And moving your spine through its full range of motion helps nourish the spinal joints to keep them healthy.The leg position provides the additional benefits of stretching your outer hip muscles on the bent knee side and your hamstrings and inner thigh muscles on the straight leg side.I prescribe this pose for:
- Improving the twisting ability of your spine, from your tailbone to the top of your neck
- Stretching outer hips, hamstrings and inner thigh muscles
- Addressing some digestive issues, such as sluggish digestion and elimination as twisting seems to help these functions
- Improving sitting posture by strengthening back, front and side muscles that contribute to spinal elongation
- General stimulation of your body and nervous system
- Releasing physical tension from your body
- Counter-pose for backbends or forward bends