Hello! Hello! Thanks for all the love and excitement yesterday over my Banana Split Oats! So happy to know I’m not the only one guilty of craving dessert for breakfast. My fit & focused fam is on the sweet tooth train with me. Woo woo! Riding on down to sweet tooth town!
I want to get a little down and dirty today and talk digestion. You see, my tummy and I are not the best of friends. We kind of have a love-hate relationship. I love to eat delicious food. It hates me for it. Even when I’m being very cautious about what I’m putting into my body, my tummy finds a way to get all riled up. It’s very temperamental, this tummy of mine.

Meet my tummy.
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I’ve tried everything to calm it down. I avoid foods I’m allergic to. I watch my fiber and fat intake. I stay away from dairy. Alas, it’s never satisfied.
Until now.

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A few months back, I hosted my first blogger brunch, where the lovely Julie from doTERRA came to talk to us all about the benefits of essential oils. I’m sure you all know I’m a huge fan of doTERRA, so much so that I started this Essential Oil Focus series.
I was able to chat with Julie one-on-one about my Sensitive Tummy Syndrome (which should totally be a thing, by the way – such a good name. Ahh yes, I’d love to eat that cookie, but I have Sensitive Tummy Syndrome.”), and she suggested an essential oil cleanse regime that might help.
I say cleanse, but it’s not the cleanse you’re thinking. I didn’t go on a juice fast or anything like that. I love me a good juice, but all day everyday? My chewing muscles would atrophy!
No, no. The doTERRA cleanse consists of a few supplements (which are just essential oils in a capsule), that you add into your daily routine to help create a healthy digestive tract. Since I started this regime, my tummy has been MUCH better! Is it perfect? No – I’m not sure it ever will be, but it has gone from acting like a terrible two-year-old to more of a pretty good teenage girl with random moody bouts.

Seriously, these oils have been a tummy savor lately. If any of you suffer from tummy troubles, and like me, can’t seem to find a good solution (I’ve been to the gastro doc more times that I’d like to admit), I highly recommend giving these oils a try.
Here’s my monthly regime/godsend:

Days 1-10: GX Assist 3x per day with meals
GX Assist is a blend of therapeutic-grade oregano, melalueca, lemon, lemongrass, peppermint, and thyme essential oils (all of which have antimicrobial properties and caprylic acid (a naturally derived fatty acid from coconut oil that has antimicrobial activity). This combo helps support a healthy digestive tract by creating an unfriendly environment for potentially harmful pathogens that can cause digestive upset (Get outta here harmful pathogens. You can’t sit with us!). I take one capsule 3x a day for 10 days.
Days 11-15: PB Assist+ 3x per day with meals
After flushing out all those pathogens and cleansing my digestive tract, it’s time to rebuild! PB Assist+ is a probiotic blend of pre-biotic fiber and six strains of probiotic microorganisms that basically let the good bacteria in and, like a good bouncer at a club, kick unfriendly microbes to the curb! It also protects probiotic cultures from the harsh environment of the stomach. I feel like my tummy has a bodyguard…. to protect it from… itself. It’s the Stomach Secret Service! Yes.
Days 17-30: PB Assist+ 1x per day with a meal
I finish out the second half of the month by simply lowering the amount of PB Assist+ I take, going from 3x a day to 1.

BONUS: TerraZyme 1x per day with meal
The whole time I’m doing this cleanse, I also take doTERRA’s TerraZyme Digestive Enzyme Complex. This is a blend of active wholefood enzymes and supporting minerals that help the body digest proteins, fats, complex carbs, sugars, and fiber. It’s like taking a Lactaid pill to help the lactose intolerant breakdown dairy, but for all types of food!
Did you know #essentialoils can potentially help you acheive a healthy, happy gut? Check it out!
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This routine has been so helpful. I plan on continuing it forever and ever until there’s such a thing as a tummy replacement. People can get new hearts and new livers, why can’t I get an intestinal transplant? I guess this regime is less expensive… and less intrusive… and there’s no surgery involved… Ok, I’ll stick with the supplements ;).
If you’re interested in trying this cleanse, you can get all three of these products from my little doTERRA shopping site, or shoot me an email and I can order some for you.
If you have any questions about essential oils, would like more info on them, or would like to join my doTERRA team, contact me! You can also check out my other posts on essential oils here and here.
Let’s Chat:
Do you have a sensitive tummy?
What helps you when your digestive tract is off track?
NOTE: None of the statements I’ve made about doTERRA essential oils or their products have been evaluated by the FDA. All of the above is about my personal experience with these blessings in oil form (< — also not a statement approved by the FDA). I’m a fan is all, as is my tummy – and that says A LOT!