Eagle Pose Arms
Cow-Face Pose Arms
I also find that Wrist Flossing can be beneficial for the elbows as well as the wrists, so take that for a test spin, too!When your joints are beginning to improve, gradually add in more challenge for your elbow joints by taking a bit of weight onto them, such as in Half Downward-Facing Dog pose at the wall. If Half Downward-Facing Dog pose feels good, advance to full Downward-Facing Dog. When you start working on all fours, such as in Cat/Cow pose or Hunting Dog pose, play with the even press of your hands into the floor, evenly between the heels and balls of your hands and evenly between the pinky and thumb sides of your hands. This can often give you important feedback on how the placement of your hands relates to the even work of the elbow joints.Use caution with the poses that super load the below joint, such as Pushup pose (Chaturanga Dandasana), and arm balances, such as Heron and Crow poses or Handstand. You might want to wait until your elbows are pain free for a while before learning these or adding them back into your practice. Finally, as I mentioned before, there are many other elbow issues that can cause pain and soreness. Some will benefit from the above recommendations as well, whereas others may need different approaches. I hope to share more about the elbows in the coming weeks, and if you have specific curiosities about elbows, please send me a comment!Subscribe to YOGA FOR HEALTHY AGING by Email ° Follow Yoga for Healthy Aging on Facebook