The Dopey Challenge is less than 3 months away, and the Philadelphia Marathon (which I threw in as a “training run” – yea… I’m crazy) is just under 5 weeks away. Eek!! I’ve been loving my 3-runs-a-week plan, but at the same time, it’s making me feel like I’m not getting in enough running. I know that I am, though. I’m slowly upping mileage and ran 17 this past weekend (and felt great afterwards!), but the lack of 8-10 milers before work each morning like my last marathon training plan is kinda weird. I love it, but it’s weird. I feel like I’m being lax with my training, but I’m not. I’ve actually barely missed any runs. It’s kinda bizarre, but let’s take a look at how training has been since my last update.
Miles Logged: 128.5 (252 since training started in July)
# of Cross Training Days Completed: 11
Cross Training Days Missed: 10
Runs Missed: 3
Longest Training Run to Date: 17 miles
What I’m Loving: Even though it feels weird, I still love the alternating long run weeks. Since I did 17 last weekend, my “long” run this coming weekend is only 6 miles. Then I up it to 20. I definitely don’t feel like I’m burning out.
What I’m Not Loving: How many cross training days I’ve missed. I caught a stomach bug at one point and suffered from the DOMS two weeks in a row, forcing me to skip some days. Then I was on vacation. But NOW! Now my CrossFit box is back in business and I’m determined to get in the cross training I know I need to supplement my running. I also need to be smarter. I did an intense HIIT workout the day after a 15-miler. Needless to say that was a bad idea. I’m now taking rest days after legit long runs and ensuring I don’t go crazy with new exercises or go too heavy at CrossFit. I want to push myself but not to the point of inactivity.
What I’ve Been Listening To: I’m still loving my podcasts, but I think I’m going to try an audio book for the 20-miler I have coming up. I’m thinking about Jenny Lawson’s new book, Furiously Happy. She’s outrageously hysterical, so I think that will keep me entertained. People might think I’m a nut bag when I laugh out loud whilst downing energy chews, but… whatevs!
Favorite Route: Last Sunday, I explored a lot of Brooklyn along the water. I can’t get enough of the Manhattan skyline and all of the gorgeous bridges!
This #dopeychallenge training plan sounds pretty great! Check it out! #runchat
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Let’s Chat:
How is your training going?
Ever listened to an audio book while running?
This post is linked up with Tuesdays On The Run.