Dec 14, 2011 by Tatianna

Today’s workout was all about the lower body and abs. We didn’t have the time to film my actual training but we did film the instructional video and I am also going to share my time and my scores for this routine as well. I called this workout ” Destroy Me ” because when I was done, I was literally destroyed! I really had to kick my own ass the whole time. For me it is kind of a double edge sword, when we film my routines It’s tough because I have to work extra hard, and when we don’t film I have to push my self even harder because I have a tendency to drag my workouts to a later time.
Make sure you watch the instructions in the video. In this workout I was using some of my usual equipment such as my my timer, balance ball, 12 lbs medicine ball and a pair of 20 lbs dumbbells ( 10 lbs each ). This routine is broken down in 3 parts. First part is Interval Training, second part is a time challenge and 3rd part is a high intensity interval training.
Workout Explanation
Part one ( Interval Training )
You will need a pair of dumbbells. Set your timer for 2 intervals of 10 sec ( rest interval ) and 45 seconds maximum effort interval. There are only 2 exercises for the total of 3 rounds total.
You will do 2 exercises on one side before switching legs.
- Side Lunge ( every time you step to the side, you will place the weights on the ground to reset your muscles. Make sure to watch the video for instructions. )
- Back Lunge Pulses
Part 2 ( Time Challenge )
Set your timer as a stop watch. You will do the following 4 exercises for the total of 3 rounds.
- Squat Pulses With a Medicine Ball against a Balance Ball – 50 reps
- Plank Roll – 15 reps
- Pike Throw – 15 reps
- Bicycle with a Medicine Ball 20 reps
Part 3 ( HIIT )
I was using a set of dumbbells. Set your timer for 8 rounds of 10 seconds rest and 25 seconds maximum effort. I was only doing one exercise:
- Jump Lunges with Dumbbells
My scores:
Part one
1) Right Leg Side Lunge- 12, 11, 10 Left Leg – 12, 12, 10
2) Right Leg Lunge Pulses- 26, 23, 20 Left Leg – 28, 26, 22
Part 2
I finished the routine in 15 minutes and 1 second
Part 3
Jump Lunges with 20 lbs weights
18, 16, 16, 12, 12, 10, 8, 7
Share your scores!
PS – I wanted to thank everyone who has been sharing their scores with me, because it really helps me to push my self and I hope it helps you to push your self as well
