Diet & Weight Magazine

Chocolate Chip Chickpea Blondies {vegan, Gluten Free}

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

These super moist gluten-free and vegan Chocolate Chip Chickpea Blondies will fool any desserts-can’t-be-healthy naysayer. 

Chocolate Chip Chickpea Blondies | Vegan | Gluten Free | Recipe Redux | Nut Butter Recipe | Healthy Dessert

Happy National Nut Day! Betcha didn’t know that was a day did ya? Pretty much everything has it’s own day now, but I’m a.ok with celebrating nuts! I’m also excited that nuts are the theme of this month’s Recipe Redux link up! Whole nuts, chopped nuts, ground nuts, nut butter, nut flour – we’re all nuts for nuts!

I have some type of nut butter everyday – almond butter being my go-to. I usually just put a big ‘ol dollop on top of my oatmeal. I mean BIG ‘old dollop. Texas sized dollop.

Anywho… a few weeks ago Will and I were headed up to a weekend at the lake. We were in charge of bringing dessert. Who in their right mind would put a healthy-living blogger in charge of dessert, I do not know. Naturally, I took it as a challenge to create a healthy dessert that no one would believe is healthy. And so, these gluten free and vegan Chocolate Chip Chickpea Blondies were born. 

Chocolate Chip Chickpea Blondies | Vegan | Gluten Free | Recipe Redux | Nut Butter Recipe | Healthy Dessert

Of course, I conveniently left out “chickpea” when I told everyone what they were. I waited for them to say “yum” and come back for seconds before dropping the guess-what’s-in-them bomb. 

Bwahaha. Evil healthy-living blogger. 

Chocolate Chip Chickpea Blondies | Vegan | Gluten Free | Recipe Redux | Nut Butter Recipe | Healthy Dessert

I can’t believe these Chocolate Chip Chickpea Blondies are #glutenfree, #vegan and #healthy!
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For real though, these blondies are perfectly sweet and have just the right touch of rich chocolately goodness. I probably wouldn’t even believe they were healthy if I hadn’t made them myself! And with that… the recipe!

Chocolate Chip Chickpea Blondies {vegan, gluten free}
Chocolate Chip Chickpea Blondies {vegan, gluten free} 2015-10-20 20:18:49
Chocolate Chip Chickpea Blondies {vegan, gluten free}
Serves 12 Write a review Save Recipe Print Ingredients
  1. 1 can chickpeas, rinsed and drained
  2. 1/2 cup natural almond butter
  3. 1/3 cup pure maple syrup
  4. 2 tsp vanilla
  5. 1/2 tsp salt
  6. 1/4 tsp baking powder
  7. 1/4 tsp baking soda
  8. 1/2 cup chocolate chunks, divided (I smashed up a chocolate bar, but you can use chocolate chips)
  1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees and spray an 8x8 baking pan with cooking spray.
  2. Place all ingredients except the chocolate chunks in a food process and process until a smooth batter is formed.
  3. Fold in the 1/3 cup of the chocolate chunks and pour batter into the baking pan.
  4. Sprinkle the remaining chocolate chunks on top and bake for 25 minutes, or until a toothpick comes out clean.
  5. Allow to cool before cutting and eating.
By Nicole @ Fitful Focus Fitful Focus Don’t forget to check out all these other nut-filled recipes: An InLinkz Link-up

Have a nutty day!

Let’s Chat:
What’s your favorite way to eat nuts?
What’s your favorite you wouldn’t-believe-it’s-healthy dessert?

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