Oct 28, 2011 by Tatianna
Today I did a routine that focused on booty, thighs, legs, core and just a little bit of upper body
. Today was one of those days where I really had to push my self, it was one of those I don’t feel like working out days, but after I was done I felt great and I was glad I finished my training. This routine was about 23 minutes long, so I also did 7 minutes of moderate skipping to finish at my magic 30 min mark.This workout was high intensity interval training and it went by really fast, even though the intervals were’t super short it still felt like they were.
The only thing I used in this routine was a balance ball, half of my pink Lebert, my timer Gymboss Max and my own bodyweight.
Check That Booty Workout Video
Workout Recap & Beginner Variations
Workout explanation
Set your timer Gymboss Max for 2 intervals of 10 seconds ( rest interval ), and 45 seconds ( maximum effort interval ), there are 5 exercises and you will go through them for the total of 5 rounds.
- Jump Tucks
- Air Chair Squat with a balance ball
- Elbow Plank To Side Plank
- Two way push-ups
- Triceps Dips
My Scores
1) – 12, 11, 12, 11, 12
2) – 24, 23, 24, 23, 25
3) – 12, 12, 12, 12, 11
4) – 14, 13, 11, 11, 9
5) – 16, 14, 12, 15, 12
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