Every runner who runs races has a race they dream about. A medal, a destination, a theme. Something about that race calls to you, and you know that some way or another, you are going to conquer that race one day. No matter how much it costs, no matter how hard it is to get to or how crazy it will be to train for, you’re going to do it! You officially have a bucket list race.
Some of you don’t have a bucket list race, you have bucket list races. Boy, do I feel that. I have WAY more than one race on my bucket list, so in the spirit of all the running enthusiasm I feel spilling from all of your feet and overused sneakers, I put together my official race bucket list.

Domestic Bucket List Races
1. The Brooklyn Half – The race starts just a mile from my apartment and runs through my hood. How could I not do it? I’ve had my heart set on this race for 3 years. The first year, I found out about it a day after it sold out. The second year, I got injured a few weeks before the race and gave my bib to a friend. The third year, the Blend Retreat fell on the same weekend. 2016? No excuses. I’m doing it!
2. The NYC Marathon – I have one more race to complete my NYRR 9+1 goal and then I’m in for 2016! Making it happen.
3. A Rock’n’Roll race – These races look like such a blast. I’d love to run RNR Brooklyn, Philly, DC, Chicago, Nashville or all of the above!
4. Disney Wine & Dine Half Marathon – A night time race in Disney that ends at a food & wine festival? Yes, please!
5. The Napa to Sonoma Wine Country Half Marathon – I’ve heard such amazing things about this race and I’ve always wanted to visit the California wine country. I figure I can kill two birds with one stone at this race :).
International Bucket List Races
1. Le Marathon du Medoc – This marathon takes place in Bordeaux, France. I’ve heard everyone gets dressed to the nines for the races 23 wine stops as well as fueling stations packed with oysters, foie gras, cheese, steak and ice-cream. It sounds ridiculous, and it sounds awesome! If you can’t tell, I like races that involve wine!
2. Athens Marathon – How could any marathon runner not want to run the original marathon? I’ve also always wanted to go to Greece, so… one day!
3. London Marathon – I lived in London for 5 months in college and fell in love with the city. I wasn’t as into running then as I am now, so I didn’t get to explore much by way of a run. I’d love to go back and see the whole city from my now runner’s perspective.
4. The Patagonian International Marathon – Will and I have always wanted to go to Chile, and this relatively new race sounds right up my alley. It’s a pretty small race, but for each person who crosses the finish line, the race plants a tree in their honor. How cool would it be to have my own tree in Chile?!
There are so many other races I’d love to do, but at the moment, these are the top of the top! This list is, of course, subject to chance as I learn of new races and check some of these off the list! Now I just need to start a Help-Nicole-Travel-The-World-And-Run-All-The-Races kickstarter campaign to make all this happen!
Let’s Chat:
Have you run any of these? What are your thoughts?
What race(s) are on your bucket list?
Will you contribute to my kickstarter?
This post is linked up with Tuesdays On The Run.