Despite the 35 degree temps and blustery winds this morning, I was determined to get outside with the dogs for a hike today!

Alan and I have been working on house projects for the last few weeks, getting ready for winter, so the dogs have been getting a bit of cabin fever waiting for some good weather to hike. I owed them something fun since it's their birthday month and the "nice" weather will be gone soon.

With the sun shining on our faces, we headed out to one of our favorite parks for some off-leash time. The dogs had a blast! We saw hawks, several deer and an eagle! The dogs even had a fun time chasing a deer that happened to cross our trail... although it was rather short-lived since both dogs were already pretty tired out by then. They both trotted slowly back to me after only a minute or two of chase.
VIDEO~Jake watches an eagle take flight (click link):

When an eagle took flight from a nearby branch as we approached the water's edge, Jake watched in awe as it flew across to another island. I love watching him experience things for the first time... Charlie has already seen tons of eagles in her 8 years, but to Jake, this was the first one.
VIDEO~Exploring the trail (click link):

A thin layer of ice had begun to form on the ponds and along the shallows. Jake crunched through and then started eating the pieces that floated away. Too cute! It reminded me of his first hike... just 6 months ago, when there was still a thin layer of winter ice on the water at this same park. Crazy how the summer went by so fast. Soon enough it'll be winter again and Jake will get to go snow-shoeing for the first time.
VIDEO~Sharing a stick (click link):
Tired pups loaded into the car for a sleepy drive home. Jake laid in the backseat in a sun spot and Charlie was in front with her head resting on my lap. I cranked the heat and cracked open a few windows so we could have fresh air while staying warm... something my dad used to do on road trips when we were kids. I always think of him when I do this. He said the fresh air helped keep him awake on long drives. I do it just because fresh air is awesome and I'm sure the dogs like it too.

Afternoon was spent doing chores while the dogs snoozed in sun spots. It was a good weekend with a lot accomplished, but hiking is always my favorite part.