Biohacking is a way to hack (I'm sorry I had too) your biology through DIY methods. It covers a vast range of activities, such as sleep, diet, and even using technology to enhance the body's natural capabilities. When combined, biohacking modalities can lead to an impressive improvement in your overall health. Here is a biohacking guide with different methods you (yes you!) can use to increase your wellness and live a much more fulfilling and healthy lifestyle!
Hack Your Metabolism
Metabolism is the process in which living organisms extract energy from their environment and use it to grow and develop. We use the food that we intake, and through chemical reactions inside of our cells, turn it into energy. The more energy we use, the more calories we . To hack your metabolism, make sure you are getting enough sleep every night - for an adult, 8 hours is usually ideal. Another way to improve your metabolism is to regulate stress. Stress releases hormones that encourage fat storage and slow metabolism. Self-care methods like meditation and exercise can help reduce stress and heighten your metabolism. Speaking of food...
Hack Your Diet
Dieting -if done correctly - can improve both your physical and mental wellness. Intermittent fasting, when you don't eat for an allotted time, can particularly help in doing so. Intermittent fasting can promote weight loss , reduce blood pressure, lower cholesterol, and boost brain function. It can be done in a myriad of , so pick which method will work best for you and your body. While fasting, you want to abstain from foods that are high in sugar, alcohol, and turn to superfoods . If you're not a fan of fasting, you can also try taking supplements such as magnesium, which you can find over the counter at your local drugstore. This supplement can increase your overall wellness by reducing anxiety and heart disease. As with any supplement, be sure to consult with your doctor before you take magnesium.
Hack Your Mind
Your body can only work as well as your mind can. So, when following a biohacking guide, paying attention to your mental health is just as important as your physical health. One way to care for your mind is to keep a gratitude journal, where you can reflect on the top 3-5 good things that happen to you each day. Doing so can help reframe your mindset into a more positive one. Meditating when you wake up or before going to bed can help you keep you clear your mind. Meditation can also your awareness, focus, and relieve pain related to stress. Stay mentally sharp by exercising your brain with activities such as reading or . You can also challenge your usual mental patterns by picking up a new hobby, such as photography or learning a second language.
Hack Your Skin
Your is your largest organ and your body's first line of defense against toxins. Therefore, skin health is more important than you may have once believed. Take a look at your current skincare and makeup products, and start tossing out the ones that aren't vegan or use animal testing. Many of these products are likely to have harmful toxins, as the United States has only banned or partially banned 30 ingredients used in skincare and makeup products. Many commonly-used skincare ingredients are linked to and can break down your skin overtime through hormone disruptions. Try switching to brands such as Adorn Cosmetics , , and to clean up your beauty routine!
...And the Biggest Hack of Them All
Cue the drumroll please for EARTHING! Haven't heard of it? It refers to walking, sitting, working, and even sleeping outdoors on the bare ground. Why do this, you ask? The earth transmits electrons from the ground to our bodies when we let our bare skin touch it. show that earthing can reduce stress and pain, as well as improve our sleep. Earthing is quite possibly the simplest way to up your wellness game. However, you might want to wait until this quarantine is lifted to try this hack out. #stayathome
Ready to Optimize Your Whole Self?
Using this biohacking guide, you can begin to step into a better you and improve your wellbeing. If you implement these methods and still want to take your health to the next level, we recommend trying higher-level modalities, such as IV treatment , red-light therapy, and sensory deprivation. These methods can help you boost your immunity, flush out toxins, and accelerate muscle recovery. Happy hacking!
About Author

Lloyd L.
Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Lloyd and I live in Hawaii. I started working out in 2010. Read more on how I overcame adversity and transformed my life forever!