Biotin is a B vitamin, which means it is a water-soluble vitamin (i.e. the body doesn't naturally produce biotin so it needs it from foods and supplements). This vitamin plays a vital role in the body's metabolism of fatty acids, glucose, and amino acids to produce energy. In fact, the word "biotin" comes from the Greek word "biotos" which means "life" and "sustenance". Let's break down the benefits of biotin and some of the best biotin vitamins of 2021.
What are the Benefits of Biotin?The body needs biotin to function correctly, but what does it do for you?
- Breaks Down Macro-Nutrients: Biotin helps convert food into energy by breaking down fatty acids, glucose, and amino acids,
- Promotes Hair and Nail Growth: Biotin improves the body's keratin infrastructure and reduces inflammation. Keratin is the main protein for hair and nail growth.
- Supports Pregnancy: About of women may have a biotin deficiency during pregnancy because the body breaks down this vitamin faster at this time.
- Manages Blood Sugar Levels: Biotin can improve glycemic management that is a problem found in type one diabetics.
Here's a list of some of the top-rated and our handpicked favorites of the best biotin vitamins of 2021:
- Olly Hair Softgels: Olly's may be designed specifically for hair, but each serving contains 10,000% of the DV for biotin, along with vitamin D, folate, vitamin B12, zinc, copper, , amla fruit extract, and silicon.
Biotin in food is bound to proteins. Then, these proteins get broken down by enzymes found in the pancreas and the small intestine, freeing the biotin. The biotin is then absorbed by the small intestine. When biotin comes in the form of a supplement it is absorbed slightly differently. There is no saturation. Therefore, with supplements, more biotin actually gets absorbed.
Absorption Tips & Tricks!- Alcoholism can increase the risk of biotin deficiency ,and many other nutrients as alcohol can block their absorption.
- Raw eggs prevent biotin absorption because a glycoprotein found in raw egg binds itself to the protein attached to the biotin.
- The absorption rate of oral, free biotin supplements is 100% no matter the dose of biotin.
- Check with your doctor if biotin supplements are right for you. Especially if you are on other types of prescription medication since some medicines can have an adverse effect on biotin
Biotin is essential for the body's metabolism and cellular function. But, many people do not need to take biotin supplements, but some people are more susceptible to biotin deficiencies or just need the extra boost. The more susceptible groups are those with biotinidase deficiency, pregnant and breastfeeding women, and those with chronic alcohol exposure. Some signs of deficiency are brittle nails, hair loss, and skin rashes, which is why biotin usage is also for healthy hair, skin, and nails. In addition, there is no harm to taking biotin supplements, only benefits, but talk to your doctor if you think you may have any signs of deficiency.
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Lloyd L.
Thank you for visiting my website. My name is Lloyd and I live in Hawaii. I started working out in 2010. Read more on how I overcame adversity and transformed my life forever!