E vitamin oil is a special product which contains Vitamin E, either natural and organic or synthetic. But, rather than a capsule, like almost all vitamins, Vitamin E oil usually is available in a large bottle. It’s not necessarily 100 % vitamin E as that you will find too sticky. Vitamin E oil also contains other ingredients, like coconut oil to create it the right viscosity pertaining to topical application. Vitamin E oil features some inherent qualities that enable it to deliver protection to our skin from every one of these harmful effects of free of charge radicals.
Beneficial Properties for Facial Skin:

Vitamin E Oil For Skin Care
Wrinkles come from age, free radical damage, improper skin care and poor habits such as smoking and drinking alcohol in excess. According to the book “Healing with Vitamins: the Most Effective Vitamin and Mineral Treatments for Everyday Health Problems and Serious Disease,” vitamin E oil prevents the formation of wrinkles by blocking free radical damage. It treats wrinkles by boosting collagen production, a connective tissue that keeps skin elastic. Vitamin E oil also treats wrinkles by supporting new skin cell growth and speeding up cell regeneration.
Dull & Dry Skin
Vitamin E oil often rescue dull and dry skin with its moisturizing qualities. It controls water loss from the skin along with moisturizing it from outside. Vitamin E oil can be used as a deep pore cleanser for dry skin which helps to maintain ph of skin preventing it from getting excessive oily or dry.
For Sunburns
Minor sunburns can be easily treated with vitamin E. Many sunscreens available in the market are packed with vitamin E. Vitamin E rich oil quickly gets absorbed in the skin, moisturizes it and helps in relieving pain caused by sunburn. You can also use it as a preventive measure against sun.
Night Treatment
Vitamin E oil provides the skin with necessary moisture as well as antioxidants for intense healing. However, pure vitamin E oil is not ideal as a daily moisturizer because it is so thick and sticky. An intense vitamin E oil bedtime therapy is ideal for concentrated skin healing and preservation. Combine vitamin E oil with olive oil for smooth application and added therapy. Olive oil contains oleic acid, which makes skin more permeable and able to hold in necessary moisture.
Scar tissue is stubborn skin that comes from burns, old wounds and surgeries. Pure vitamin E oil is helpful for scar healing and prevention because it goes beneath the surface of skin to block free radicals. Free radicals are especially harmful to scar tissue because they prohibit healing. Diane Irons, author of “911 Beauty Secrets: an Emergency Guide to Looking Great at Every Age, Size and Budget,” explains that the strong antioxidant power in vitamin E also aids in collagen production, which gives skin its elasticity and is not present in scar tissue.

Reducing Stretch Marks
Brown Spots
Brown spots on the skin are caused by aging, free radical damage and poor liver function. Vitamin E oil prevents and repairs free radical damage. When applied topically to brown spots on the skin, it helps to lighten and smooth the rough skin by lubricating cell membranes and encouraging cell regeneration.
Reducing Stretch Marks
Vitamin E oil is very effective in reducing stretch marks from your abdomen while pregnant. Start using vitamin E enriched oil as soon as your abdomen starts expanding. It will not only help in reducing stretch marks but will also relieve you from constant itching.Pure vitamin E oil is very thick and may not come handy while using for skin. You can either use pure almond oil or mix thick vitamin E oil in some other base cream or lotion for best results.