Welcome to another great Wild Workout Wednesday Link Up where Annmarie from The Fit Foodie Mama, Jen from Pretty Little Grub, Michelle at Fruition Fitness and I bring you workout ideas, motivation, inspiration and recipes to try. Join us each week by reading along, linking up and grab the button to proudly display on your blog/in your posts!

I have a confession. This is the not the post I had on tap for today. I was planning on sharing something Olympics-related but apparently, if you are not an official sponsor of the games, sharing anything even remotely related to them is illegal. I don't want to get thrown in jail, so instead, I thought I'd do something I've never done before and share some goals.
I have been lacking motivation in one form or another pretty much all year. At one point, I couldn't muster up the motivation to run. Now, I'm doing well with my running, but I'm slacking on my cross training. I also can't seem to jump back on the healthy eating bandwagon. I do well for a few days and then - whoops - right off the track again! I feel like I go into each week saying, "This is the week to be awesome and get back on track!" and then at some point I slip up and just give up the rest of the week, telling myself I'll start over next week.
Well, enough is enough. I've gained some unwanted pounds. I've lost some strength. I know we can't all be "on" all the time, but as a health and fitness blogger, I feel like a sham. I should be practicing what I preach, right? RIGHT!
It's time to seriously, SERIOUSLY get back to feeling like my fit self. To do so, I'm sharing my goals with you. My hope is that getting these down on "paper" and out into the world will force me to buck up and really get at it. So without further ado, my August 2016 Goals!

Nutrition Goals:
- Meal Plan - I haven't been doing a lot of meal planning like I used to. I'll pick out a dinner for the week, but my breakfast, lunches and snacks are kind of willy nilly. That means that when I'm hungry, I make a game-time decision on what to eat. Sometimes, I make the healthy choice, but other times, not so much. My goal is to map out my week of meals ahead of time, so that I always have a healthy choice handy.
- Mostly Paleo - I try to eat mostly Paleo, and that is usually pretty easy since my food allergies mean I already can't eat wheat, peanuts, soy and corn. However, lately I've been giving in to non-Paleo things like gluten-free grains, lactose-free dairy and coconut milk ice cream. While I believe these things are fine to have once in a while, when I have too much of them (like I have been lately), my gut is not happy. My goal is listen to my gut, eat mostly Paleo and only have those non-Paleo things once in a while.
Fitness Goals:
- Don't Miss A Run - I was lacking so much running motivation earlier this year. I REALLY want to PR at the NYC Marathon this fall, but knew if I stayed on the same path I was on, that wouldn't happen. Soooo I decided to hire a running coach! Coach Suz made me a stellar plan that has me running 3 days a week. I've been loving the plan so far and want to keep it up! My goal is not to miss a run!
- Strength Train 3x a Week - My membership at my CrossFit Gym expired last month. I would love to sign up for another year. However, a few things are up in the air right now that make me not able to commit to a full year. I would sign up for a monthly membership, but it's so much more expensive. Instead, I've decided just to go to my regular gym and get in some good old-fashioned strength training. In order to do so, I need to actually get my butt to the gym and lift those weights. My goal is to strength train 3 days a week.
- Lose 5 Pounds - I know a lot of people say fitness goals shouldn't be about weight. I agree that fitness goals shouldn't JUST be about weight, but right now, home girl needs to shed some LBs. I know the weight my body is the most happy at and the weight I can run my fastest at, and right now, I am about 10 pounds over that. Will I be extremely upset if I only lose 3 pounds? Not if I know I've been working hard and fueling right. Not if I see differences in my muscles or see increases in strength. Not if FEEL lighter, faster and stronger. That said, I think having a number will help keep me motivated.
- Stay Focused - There are a number of life goals on my list, but I think too many goals will lead straight to failure. So my life goal this month is just to stay focused on my nutrition and fitness goals. If I'm feeling the urge to skip a workout or eat something I know my tummy won't be happy about, I need to remind myself that I always feel better, stronger, when I workout and fuel my body right.
So there we have it. It's out there in the world. That means it's official. I hope you'll share your goals with me and we can hold each other accountable. In the meantime, let's see those Wild Workouts! (full link up rules here)
Let's Chat:
What are your goals for the month?
Will you help me stay on track?