What would the world be without dessert ?! Arguably, nothing! It would be like Juliet without her balcony, and even without her Romeo. Thankfully that was just a mental hypothetical question, and in reality, I aim to encourage my sweet tooth every now and again simply because it makes me happy! To do this, I’ve developed an array of desserts which are on the nutritious side, and yet which taste incredible. This oxymoron of characteristics (healthy deliciousness) is surprising to many who sample them, and today’s blog post weighs in as a serious addition to the roster. Bizarrely, it’s the recipe that I receive most incoming requests for (!?) and so here, ladies and gentlemen, is my Apple, Rhubarb & Blueberry Crumble, which draws upon the titular fruits, as well as seeds, nuts, oats and an array of exotic spices! Click more to read exactly how to rustle up this epic dish ahead of your dinner occasion!
With a normal apple crumble, you can usually just peel and cut up the apples, drizzle some honey on top of the apples, add the crumble part on top and let it cook until it’s nice and golden. For this recipe, however, I like to cook up the rhubarb and blueberries beforehand so that I can be sure the rhubarb isn’t too bitter and sour. Follow my instructions, and all will be well!
But first, here’s a section on the history of the humble crumble; it’s not that old a dish, and was popular during the War thanks to rationing (though perhaps also historians should note that it was also fabulously delicious which contributed significantly to its popularity). That’s about all I could find on Wikipedia, so, end of history section, and on to the main event…