Diet & Weight Magazine

Announcing the Love Your Butt Challenge!

By Fitfulfocus @fitfulfocus

Holy moly, you guys. It’s snowing like crazy over here. They say we’re going to get 2-4 inches per hour! BRRRRR. I got out of work a tad early and made my way home, so Will and I are just hunkering down. I hope you all are staying warm!

ANYWAYYYY to help you guys stay warm and keep those bodies looking hot as we head into February (where does the time go? I ask), I’m launching the February Love Your Butt Challenge! 

February Love Your Butt Challenge via Fitful Focus #squat #workout #challenge

What is the Love Your Butt Challenge

It’s a month-long fitness challenge where you get to show your butt some love by doing squats each and every day! Feel the burn. Love the burn! 

What’s in for you?! For one, a great butt come spring, but also, PRIZES! The challenge is sponsored by Vega, so there will be some great prize packs being given out throughout the challenge to the most active participants.  


How can you get involved? Just SIGN UP HERE!. I’ll send you the Love Your Butt Challenge Calendar and you’ll also have EXCLUSIVE ACCESS to squat workouts and moves to help you though the challenge. I’ll also invite you to the Love Your Butt Challenge Facebook Group (or you can request to be added here) where you can chat with other challengees and share your progress! 

Overall rules:
1. Sign up using the form below. (You can’t win prizes if you don’t officially sign up)
2. Spread the word! Add the badge to your blog or social profiles.
3. Follow Fitful Focus on twitter, instagram, and facebook. Same goes for Vega on twitter,  instagram, and facebook.
4. Use #loveyourbutt in any social posts and be sure to tag @fitfulfocus and @vega_team (@vegateam on twitter) so we can see how your doing, cheer you on, and track your participation!

Ready. Set. SIGN UP HERE!

Fitful Focus
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 Let’s Chat:
Are you a fan of squats?
Did you join? Are you excited?!

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